Agenta was looking at reports on the other factions of Terra. Rhodes Island was still parked with Lungmen, both of which suffered massive electrical power failures a few weeks ago but have now returned to working operation.

Reunion has entered Lungmen and has begun a shadow war. Many skirmishes are starting to break out through the city. Rhodes Island is struggling to hold its ground and is slowly being pushed back. L.G.D is taking casualties, but it is holding as of now.

Ursus is gathering strength in secret and looks to be planning an offensive to take back Chernobog. However, no moves have yet been made. But now, Ursus is attacking small towns and villages and slaughtering any infected they find, giving Reunion more recruits.

Reunion is also gaining strength by the day. Thousands of brainwashed or desperate infected are joining. Every major faction is currently being attacked with hit-and-run tactics. Soon Reuinion will have the numbers to confront any military openly without stealth deployments. If they don't act quickly, Open war may be declared, Agenta thought.

*Knock, Knock*

Someone was knocking on Agenta's door. "Come in"

Stepping into the room was the main topic of gossip on Base.

"Y/n," Agenta says, unsure of herself.

"You wanted to see me, Agenta?" He replied with a cold undertone, Not fully trusting nor forgiving her.

Agenta sighs, presses a few buttons on her desk, stands up and leads him to another room. He followed her quietly, not evening looking at her. They enter a small war room with a red holographic display in the centre. Only two other people were in the space currently, Mal-Mal and Seneschal. One stood proud, and the other was blushing behind a notepad.

Y/n nodes at Seneschal but gives Mal-Mal a slight glare making her look away and whimper

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Y/n nodes at Seneschal but gives Mal-Mal a slight glare making her look away and whimper. Something is wrong with that girl. So what's this about," Y/n asked, turning his glare away from Mal-Mal.

"To do what was meant to happen weeks ago, Lad. Put you in charge," Seneschal replied curtly with a small smile.

"Is this your new attempt at forgiveness?" He looks at Agenta and Mal-Mal.

"No, Y/n. this was always the plan. You said that if you could change the world if you had power, you would, so here we are." Agenta replied with conviction.

"What she said," Mal-Mal replied with faux confidence.

Y/n was quiet, but Agenta spoke back up.

"I am to be your adviser, Y/n. Mal-Mal will create the tools you need to change the world, and Seneschal being your second in command. You were always meant to take over."

"You have the power, The tools, The desire to change things. This is your time, Y/n, our time," Seneschal said.

Y/n was silent as he thought. He was hesitant, but the more he thought about it, the better it sounded. He wants to show Rhodes Island their mistake, to show the world that it doesn't have to be full of misery. Fine! He would take it. He has nothing to lose at this point.

"Fine, I accept, But what exactly is your group called? I have yet to hear its name?" Y/n was not going to argue; if they wanted him to take charge, he will.

Agenta, Mal-Mal and Seneschal look at each other and then back at him. "We don't have a name for what we are or our Base, to be honest. So that was also going to be left up to you."

Y/n rolled his eyes and started to think... Hmmm. What would be a good name for our faction? Something that's easily understood and remembered... He has it!

The three are still staring at him, waiting. Finally, he looks at them with a self-assured smile.

"We are the 'Farsight Enclave'," He says.

They continue to stare at him. Finally, Seneschal silently lips the words over and over.

"Farsight Enclave?" Agenta repeats with narrowed eyes.

"Yes! not bad, eh?" He grins at her.

"Didn't you say your Operator name would be Farsight?" Agenta catches on.


"I like it," Seneschal states with a nod.

"I feel like this is fan service to something," Mal-Mal says with a curious look.

"No, no, totally original." Y/n sweats a little.

"Well... okay, I will get the paperwork sorted. From now on, we are the Farsight Enclave." Agenta replied, still trying out the name.

"And the base?" Mal-Mal spoke up.

"High Haven," Y/n said immediately.

Once again, all three look at him with raised eyebrows.

"You are never naming our children," Mal-Mal said without thinking. She was causing everyone to look at her. Agenta rolls her eyes with a slight glare at her friend. Mal-Mal was trying to pretend that never happened. Seneschal chuckles.

"I will make it official," Agenta says as she writes something.

"What's our next step?" Seneschal replied curtly.

"Mal-Mal? You said you were close to outfitting some f our newly trained soldiers. How long before could we take some of them for our first steps into the spotlight?" Y/n replied with a stern glare. He is not sure how to feel about Mal-Mal currently. He still doesn't trust her.

"I can have about 30 soldiers outfitted and ready in about a week."

"And what about the transports?" Y/n questions Mal-Mal.

"Two are currently in production in the factory Division. They should be ready by the time the soldiers are." Mal-Mal replied quickly.

"Good, Then Lungmen is our first step." Y/n presses a button on the Holoprojector in front of them, showing Lungmen.

They all look at the small display screens around the room of Reunion fighting Rhodes Island Operators and L.G.D in different city sections. The Holoprojector shows many signatures of Reunion fighters outnumbering every other group in the city. Could their thirty make a difference?

Trial by fire, as they say. They will have thirty soldiers, but soon they will have enough to show Terra they are here and they are going to make their mark. Good or bad.

Thirty soldiers and Y/n is going to be overkill, Y/n thinks.

It's time for the Farsight Enclave to give hope to this dying world!"

-------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- --------------


Yes, I know Fan service for Warhammer 40k. No apologies from me.

Naming things is hard! So I stuck with what I was comfortable with. I wouldn't be motivated to write If I called things that didn't spark interest. I'm guessing any writer on here knows how I feel.

Those familiar with Warhammer know what Heresy is, Mixing Imperial and Tau. Guess I'm a heretic.

Farsight Enclave is from Warhammer. I'm not thinking of Enclave from Fallout.


Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes IslandWhere stories live. Discover now