Regionals Celebration

Comincia dall'inizio

A: hey Piper, I just want to check in and see if your ok! im sorry what happened to you the other day, but im so happy you finally got your aerial.

A: I really miss you, and I wish you luck in the finals today! xx

All she was really doing was just staring at her screen looking at the messages, not really doing anything.

They didn't end their friendship, but when Amy left the studio to go to Acronation, she simply didn't really talk anymore. So a message from her means the world to her.

P: thank you. I'm feeling a lot better today! xo

P: same I miss u so much! TNS isn't the same without you!

Literally as soon she sent the message she replied right back, but she isn't too concerned as Amy hates going to bed early.

A: yeah, i've been feeling lost with Acronation. but I'll let you go, big day today! good luck.

P: thanks! You too.

She really missed her best friend. Every time they had a competition, they'd always have a sleepover the night before and now it was just her and Finn hanging out watching movies with pizza.

But movie nights with Finn was amazing, but her and Amy had the best nights ever.

Hopefully she'll come back to the studio soon and their friendship will come back to normal again.

Eventually, she set her phone on the ground and fell back asleep knowing today is going to be hectic and stressful.

It's the final day of regionals. The finals.

This is the tie-breaker round, again as Encore got disqualified for bribing the judge, so that means that winning regionals for The Next Step isn't over.

They have one more dance for this season and hopefully bring the trophy back to the studio.

Piper finally got over her fear of dancing her aerial in front of thousands of fans, she was anxious over this as when she fell out of it in the contemporary round, but she killed it in the ropes dance yesterday afternoon.

Finn was so proud of her, so when she finally got her aerial, and after the curtains went down, he ran over to her and hugged her tightly.

Currently Noah is working through the finals dance with everyone on the stage before it's acronation's turn to take the stage.

This will be his last ever dance on a-troupe, before he leaves the studio to go on to better and amazing opportunities.

The whole dance is about where everyone is matching except Noah, and he takes one by one a layer of clothing, and by the end they are all the same and dance as a team.

One last dance for Noah.

A brilliant sent off for him.

"Okay guys, let's go to the lobby now." Noah says as all of a-troupe walks off the stage and into the lobby and Acronation takes the stage.

The whole team have been practising the finals dance all morning right up until lunch time.

"Take a break and have some lunch in the canteen and we'll come back in an hour and go through it once more before we go on." Noah said as everyone grabbed their TNS jackets and entered in the canteen to have their lunch.

Summer and Piper lined up together and waiting in the line to get their lunch, once they got their lunch, they both sat down at a table with Finn, Henry and Ozzy.

"Yo, Pipes, I got us tickets to see a movie next week, and then Hotel Dystopia will be out in 2 months! We gotta see the last film." Finn said excitedly as Piper chuckled and nodded her head.

Pinn Oneshots🤍Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora