Laney groans and gnashes a scowl, reluctantly picking herself up from the couch to follow the rest of her band.

(Y/N) stood up at their own leisure, stretching out their joints, and gave Laney a small, pity pat to her shoulder.

Overhead them from the top of the stairs, Trina and Mina hover over the garage.

Mina places her palm under her chin, sighing happily, "Wow, wouldn't it be nice if everyone could just be happy?"

"NO!" Trina shuts her down quickly, growling in her face.

She lets her elbow fall on the ledge, "What would be max-nice is me being happy," she points to herself.

Trina starts to pace around the corridor.

"And nothing would make me happier is turning this happy-bash into a Corey-Bash!" she taps her manicured nails together, giggling as her mind wanders.


Happy Bash Transition


In the heart of town, the mayor's office, a stage has been set up for Torbo, who has added his won balloons and rainbow decorations as well.

In the middle of the stage, Torbo does a round-off into a handstand, spinning a microphone from his leotard up to his grin.

"WHO'S HAPPY?" he cries into the mic.

"NOT ME!" virtually all of the citizens of Peaceville ring back in the same enervated tone.

He flips back onto his feet, tapping at his temple.

"Well, someone out there is happy," Torbo's smile stays unfazed, "Just imagine that lucky so and so, and pretend you were them."

He places a hand to his chest, "Happiness is a dream in your heart," he then fishes out a sweatband identical to his from the front of his leotard, "And a special self-welding bracelet onto your wrists!"

"Oooh!" A few citizens look in awe, raising their hands to silently ask for a sweatband.

Torbo pulls out some more sweatbands and tosses them onto the citizens' wrists, the bands attaching immediately.

The people with the sweatbands stay in place for a second before their pupils light up like lights and their grins are pushed all the way up to their eyes. It's almost like they have smiley faces above their heads.

"Ahhh..." The citizens who didn't get the sweatbands ogle them.

Torbo holds a hand to his ear, "Now who's the happiest?"

"WE ARE!" The residents holler back with just as much excitement as him.

"Hey, smiley guy-"

Torbo swivels his head down to see Corey and the rest of his band, who's just snatched his microphone.

"We're Grojband," Corey says into the microphone and giving the audience a grin, "The happiest band in town. We'd love to get this crowd grinnin' 'n winnin'!"

"BLAH, BLAH, BLAH-" Out of nowhere, Trina marches up on stage too, "They're happy FAKERS!" she points an accusing finger at the band.

Trina crosses her arms, "Check out how unhappy they really are," she makes a megaphone gesture with her hands, "MINA, tech support!"

On cue, Mina gives her a thumbs up as she plugs her phone into one of the TVs behind all of them.

Immediately, the TV starts showing a slideshow of Grojband, all taken by Trina.

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