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The next few days had been lighter, myself and Luca were still sharing a bed, and expressing enjoyment with that beyond our contract. Yesterday we had slept together when we first woke up, again in the shower and then when he had come storming home after a drugs run went south. I hated the dirty side of their business, but I tried to look the other way. In fear of what I'd uncover if I snooped. Instead Id focused solely on the wedding suits and dresses. So much so, I'd finished them, pending alterations. Alessia had been thrilled when I'd called her with the news last night, and requested that she comes over with the entire wedding party in the morning.
Sticking to my word, I'd gone straight to Lorenzo who had said no. He wouldn't allow 8 Di Rossi into the house at one time. Instead there would be 4 at any given time, with four of his men in the room also, along with two on both exits. I'd anticipated Luca would be with me, but he'd told me this morning he had to go and deal with the fall out from the sideways drugs mission instead. Leaving me with Tony, Alberto, Grazianno and another unknown Marchetti stood in the room with me instead. I didn't know who was on the doors, neither did I particularly care. This was about Alessia and her wedding more than it was my protection.
The first group had been the two bridesmaids who would line up next to me, Alessia's cousin Laura and Leo's cousin Alessandra. I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting either of them before, so it was nice to finally get aquatinted. "You always this surrounded by hunky men" Laura had asked me when I'd pinched material in at her waist. "Pretty much. Don't get too close though. You're staring at the face of opposition" I smiled softly but my wanting was true. I didn't know how much Laura had to do with the Di Rossi. How much she knew. The last thing she needed was meddling in both sides. I could vouch for the fact that only complicated things, severely. "Roger that" she smiled at me as I continued fitting the dress to her tiny body.
Once I'd completed the women's dresses, and had pinned them beyond necessary, I let them leave and anxiously awaited the next group. The problem group. As the door opened and Marco walked in in all his glory I gulped. "You look pissed already" I chuckled as he softened when he spotted me. "They're making us jump through hoops" he said sourly. "Welcome to my world. You've meet my entourage I take it" I said glancing over to where Tony stood. "I have" he said firmly. "Good, can you please avoid shooting them in the foot today" I said pleadingly as Tony smirked slightly. "I'll try my best" Marco said with some humour. "Great, Leo, Gio nice to see you both" I smiled softly as they both approached and hugged me respectively, Tony's jaw ticking slightly when they touched me. "I'm ok" I mouthed as he nodded. "I'm sorry" Gio whispered when it was his turn to hold me. "I didn't know you were there" he gulped. "Don't stress, I'm alive. That's all that matters. Now let's get you all suited up" I said as the door opened, making me jump.
"Oh lou. Come to join the party" I smiled as she nodded. "Well as your plus one, I thought I'd come and check out the competition" she smirked as she slid herself onto the workbench. "No competition, she's all yours. Well, yours and half the Marchetti Armouries" Leo chuckled as I rolled my eyes and retrieved the suits from the back hanging rail.
"Go try them" I said as I handed them to them and then pointed to the back wall.
After a few minutes of rustling, Gio walked out looking rather sharp in the tailored suit. "How's it feel" I asked as he buttoned up the jacket. "Very nice, you really made this from scratch" he asked as he made himself comfortable in his attire. "I did. Lift your arms, I just need to check the sleeve length" I said as he nodded and obliged. "Perfect, you're all set" I smiled as Leo walked out, also looking sharp. "Less will loose her shit when she sees these" he smiled Brightly at me. "You think she'll like them" I asked as he nodded. "She'll love them Sofia. You're very talented" he smiled as I nodded in thanks. "The legs feel the right length" I asked him wanting to check the fit as Marco came out looking uncomfortable. "Christ" I chuckled looking at him. The jacket was too tight, his trousers virtually bursting at the seems. "That's why you let Alessia measure you properly" Leo laughed at his brother. "She was basically touching my cock" Marco hissed back. "Go back in there, I'll come sort you in a second." I said looking at Marco before turning my attention back to Leo. "You happy" I asked again as he nodded. "Feels great Sofia" he smiled as I nodded and grabbed my tape and walked into Marcos changing room. "Sofia" Tony's voice said warningly. "You can't expect him to stand in his boxers in the middle of a room with you all staring at him" I said back as he looked at me with a sigh. "Stand guard at the door if you want, hell press a glass to the door. I have to measure him again that's all" I said getting slightly cheesed off by the over protection. "Go ahead" he finally conceived as I nodded and followed instruction.
As I entered the changing room Marco was stood looking at me intently. "Why do you look more and more beautiful each time I see you" he whispered as I walked closer to him. "Marco, I have to sort out this suit" I sighed as I walked closer to him. Retrieving the jacket from the floor, as I stood back up his hands fell on me, as he pulled me against him. Nuzzling his head into the crook of my shoulder. "I've missed you" he said quietly. "Say you've missed me too" he begged. Had I? I'd been so busy with Luca, no. I was only lying to myself if I believed I hadn't missed him. "You know I have" I whispered as he held me. "Not seeing you is torture" he continued as he kissed below my ear. "Marco" I mumbled. "Yes baby" he rasped as I felt his hand grip my ass. "We can't, not here" I said sadly. "We can, you just need to be quiet beautiful" he said as I gulped. If any of the guards walked in and we were in a compromised position I'd likely be shot. "Marco" I said seriously but he quietened me by crashing his lips on mine, my body melting against him, letting him do whatever he needed. "I've missed your body bella" he rasped in my ear as he slid his hands under my dress, moving my panties to one side. "So wet for me" he smirked. I didn't want to tell him that some of that could've been left over residue from sex with Luca this morning. Instead I let him use it to moisten my slick folds as he pumped two fingers inside me, his mouth firmly on mine, muffling my moans.
"Marco" I rasped feeling heightened. "I know Bella" he said softly as he withdrew his fingers and unzipped his bulging suit trousers. "Lay down for me" he urged quietly as I obliged. He climbed on top and slid himself into me. It wasn't romantic, it never was with Marco. Instead it was purposeful and about taking what we needed. A fix of one another. He continued kissing me as he pumped himself in and out of me. My moans intensifying as he tugged on my nipples slightly. "Marco" I purred as I felt myself reach the high. "That's it princess. Let me fill you" he urged. "Fuck" I moaned as I heard a shuffle outside. "Sofia" Tony's voice said. "Just pricked myself with a fucking needle, we're good" I called back as Marco looked at me with a devious grin before thrusting into me again and again as I shuddered around his pleasuring cock.
"I'll never get over how good you feel" he rasped as he pulled out of me making me feel empty. "How good I make you feel" he said as he kissed me firmly before standing up, leaving me lay on the floor, at his feet. "You best get to work princess." He suggested as I gulped looking up at him, I quickly retook his measurements and added some pins to the leg of the trouser. For some reason they were wildly too long. "Sofia" Tony's voice called again. "What" I groaned. "You done" he asked as I looked up at Marco. "Nearly, just got the inside leg left" I called back as Marco raised me up and kissed me passionately before ordering me to leave before someone walked in. I quickly sorted my hair and flattened my dress before walking out, trying to look inconspicuous as I jotted down numbers on my pad. "You good" Tony asked as I scribbled. "Mhmm, just need to bust Alessia's balls for getting these so wrong. Think I'm going to need to make him a completely new jacket" I groaned as I looked up at him, pity in his eyes. "You'll sort it" he smiled as I nodded. I knew he was just being protective, but I couldn't help but wish he was slightly less overbearing. "You look warm" Louisa whispered as she came to glance at the notebook. "I am, it's like a sauna in those changing rooms." I said as she smirked. "Getting flustered" she chuckled. "Don't be stupid, what would luca think" I whisper shouted as she raised her brows. "Just cause you're ducking my brother, doesn't mean you can't get flustered by the man who used to fuck you" she said quietly as Marco reappeared. "Marco, I'll have your suit done for the wedding. I'll bring it the night before to check it fits, I can then make any last minute changes" I said as the door behind me opened and Luca slid in. "Late to the party as always Marchetti" Marco smirked as Luca rolled his eyes and walked over to me, pulling me against his waist and kissing my forehead to stake his claim. The amused smirk on Marcos face told a picture though, he couldn't help but feel humoured that Luca was putting his claim on me when Marco had fucked me not even ten minutes ago. Part of me felt ashamed. The other relieved. I couldn't lie to myself I'd missed the ravenous sex with Marco and his passionate possessiveness. "Better late than never" I smiled at Luca trying to give him a get out of jail free card. "Precisely. Anyway, I only came to drop by. I hope the suits were ok" Luca said amicably as Marco looked at him slightly confused. "Good thanks" Leo answered. "Brill, well I'll see you all Friday then" I smiled urging them to leave before anything happened. With Marco still in possessive mode, I didn't want a fight to break out. "You will" Marco said as he grabbed his jacket and walked out firmly. "Bye Sof, Louisa" Gio smiled at her as she gave him a quick smile back before he exited with Leo doing something similar.
"You don't have to be nice" I said as the door closed and I looked back at Luca. "I do, they protected you when I couldn't." He said as my mind instantly thought 'and fuck me when you don't' but I refrained from saying it. "They're still the enemy, I don't expect that to change" I said honestly as he kissed me gently. "I know, but for your sake it would be easier if I didn't attempt to start a war each time paths crossed" he acknowledged as I nodded kissing him back. "Thank you" I mumbled against his lips. "Don't thank me yet, I have a surprise for you" he said softly as I knitted my brows together. "Be ready for 6." He said seductively as I nodded whilst he kissed me again before letting me go.
"You can all go, now they've left" Luca said as I gulped. He wasn't going to fuck me now was he? "I'll see you at 6" he smiled as relief flew through me. "Six" I smiled back as he also left. Leaving me looking at Marcos jacket, with both desire and guilt washing over me.

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