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As we reached the house I felt hot, bothered and drenched. Luca and I had remained lip locked for the entire journey home, and despite my sodden clothing, my desire had me burning up. "I can't wait to see you in my sheets again" he purred in my ear as the car came to a stop. Alberto rushed out, probably fearing we'd have sex any second whether he was in attendance or not. "Let's get you upstairs" Luca urged as I smirked and followed him from the car.
Most of the lights were off at the house, which meant everyone was either out, or asleep. I didn't particularly care where anyone was, so long as I was in Lucas bed. As he rushed us in and towards the stairs I stopped to take my heels off, only to be flung over his shoulder, giggles erupting from me. "Too slow Bella" he purred as he marched us up and straight towards his room where he flew me down on the mattress.
"Now" he said raspily. "Now I can take these off" he chuckled as he held my ankles, sliding my shoes off before dragging his tongue from my ankles to my inner, upper thigh. "Luca" I moaned as I raised my ass, allowing him to be closer, his hands sneaking underneath and pulling me closer. Angling me perfectly like a cat with milk. "Tesoro" he rasped as his hands slid my panties down, leaving me in nothing but my silk dress. "You wore lace for me" he mused as he moved my panties further away from my womanhood. "Mhmm" I murmured as his hands worked their way back up my thigh. Pooling my dress at my abdomen he smirked as he revealed my bare flesh. "Il Sacro Graal" he murmured before he positioned my legs so they were spread, his hands pinning them down as his tongue made contact. Sending ripples through my body. "Does that feel good tesoro" he asked softly. Huskily. Passionately. "Fuck yes" I rasped feeling my breath hitch. "You're so responsive Tesoro" he said as he darted his tongue against me, causing moans to ripple like shockwaves leaving my body. "Luca" I whispered feeling the intensity brewing. "What tesoro, tell me what you want" he instructed as I felt a finger at my entrance. "You" I said breathlessly whilst fingers began pumping in and out of me. "I'm here. Tell me what you want" he urged. "You in me" I moaned feeling almost euphoric. "I am in you Bella. Be more specific" he instructed as I gulped back a moan. "I want your cock inside of me" I begged as he smirked before undoing his trousers.
As he took them off a knock sounded the doors. "Fuck off" Luca called as he didn't take his eyes off me. His trousers undone and his boxers removed. As he positioned himself at my entrance the knock sounded again. "Tony fuck off" he called again getting frustrated as he entered me slowly. "Luca" I moaned "Dude you need to come" Tony called back as I heard the door open. Luca stilled in me, as I glanced over at the door to see Tony stood with hands over his eyes. "Get the fuck out Tony" Luca roared. "I'm not looking. Your dads been shot man, we need you" he said calmly, like he hadn't just dropped the biggest bomb on us, whilst walking in on us fucking. "He okay" Luca rushed as he clambered off me. "Not great, you clothed yet man." Tony asked still stood awkwardly by the door with his hands over his face. "No, don't you dare fucking move your hands" he said shielding me. "Get dressed" he said looking back at me, nodding I moved from the bed and over to Lucas wardrobe, I pulled out one of his tees and placed it over my head feeling comforted by his scent as my mind span. If Lorenzo was shot, if he died. Everything would flip to Luca. He'd become the real capo. Where would that leave me? "You can look Tony" I said with a breath turning. Walking to the bathroom I grabbed my panties that had been flung off moments ago.
After a quick toilet trip I exited the bathroom to see Tony sat on the bed with his head in his hands. "Where's Luca" I asked with a hiccup. "He's gone downstairs. Wanted me to wait with you" he said with a sigh. "Let's go then" I said leaning my head to the door. "I think Luca wanted you up here, it'll be chaos down there" he replied firmly. "Exactly why we should go down there. He needs us Tony" I said with conviction as Tony inhaled deeply before standing up. "As you wish" he said looking uneasy. "Don't worry, I'll take the hit" I rolled my eyes knowing Tony was worried about what luca would say. "I'll hold you to that, especially if he's now cap" he said nervously. "Let's cross that bridge when we get to it" I said as we exited the room, commotion heard in the corridor.

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