" What do you want to name him or her "?

" Hmm...Bam "

" Nice name Jungkook ah "

" Bam means night hyung...I have so much connection with the nights...you know, we used to text and talk in the night most of the time because of our school timings. You made my nights special and now my whole life special. "

Jungkook says while lowering the window and looking at the night sky he shouts.

"I am so so so so so so so so so so happy, Seokjin Hyung"

" Jungkook, you are crazy. I love you so much "

Seokjin smiles at Jungkook, he can't help but stop the car at the roadside and kiss his lover who made him the happiest person. Now he has his own identity, his small restaurant, their house, his second-hand car, the two cactus plants, his cute friendship circle, and his lovely- caring -respectful lover. He has so much to call his. All of them love him unconditionally. What more he can ask for?

" Hyung, thank you for coming into my life. Thank you so much. It's not like I was never happy but ... I wasn't maybe ... I don't know. But I just know that you make me so happy hyung. "

" Hmm...then when are you planning to finally take out that ring in your pocket and propose to me?, come on Jungkook, ah it's been 6 months. Hobi is also teasing me "

Jungkook's fingers run over his pocket,

"Oh, but... it's not ring though"

"It's not?"

" hmm, it's not ".

" oh God, no, it's embarrassing, forget that I asked "

Jungkook laughs hard before taking out a  small box from his pocket.

"Hyung your ears are red"

"Are they ?"

" yes beautifully red"

Seokjin exhaled and turned to the window. It's just an act of annoyance he wants to carry whenever his lover pulls ranks on him but he fails at it. Just like now, he can't help but smile.

" oh no hyung I didn't even ask your hand you are already not looking at me, it's bad...too bad "

" I am going to say no "

Jungkook acts like he is thinking hard to make Seokjin say yes. He looks soberer suddenly.

" But you will get a lot of things if you say yes, though "

" let me hear it "

It's easy to tempt Seokjin. Jungkook is good at it.

" Hmm, Number 1 we can adopt a dog together and you know how responsible a dad I can be"

" yeah, I can leave night walks, regular checkup on you "

" Right!! So number 2  I am good at laundry like no machine can compare me "

"It's almost tempting me to say yes. But I need more "

"Okay, number 3 oh God I am a good assistant in the kitchen, and sure you have experience "

" But I remember you burnt my special pancakes "

" come on hyung that day you seduced me to fuck you against the counter and you can't put complete blame on me "

" Whatever, next "

" Number 4, I sent you flowers often to your restaurant, such a romantic man I am "

" Most of the time flowers came when you thought my coworkers or my regular customers were hitting on me "

" It's just I am putting them on the line and creating a peaceful environment for you to work! "

Seokjin glared at him but Jungkook just shrugged and stuck to his point.

"so number 5, I get along with your friends like fluid in fluid "

" But the example  is..."

" You are not good at science hyung so you don't understand that "

" You are tempting me to say no too"

Oh shit, it's a sensitive topic

"Oh, no... Wait Number 6 I am good at Ferris wheel ride, and also I won't even flinch when I see horror movies so you can cling to me. You look really cute when you are scared "

" And number 7"

" Number 7,...... your parents like me "

" Next"

" Number 8, I can kidnap you on the aisle and put you in the car. Take you to a faraway island and marry you. And..fuck you so good "

" I think you are perfect for me, I decided. But  anything else more tempting?"

" It's most strong one hyung, Number 9 I have 7 inches long and thick cock that can take you to heaven and hell. You know that very well "

They are exploring each other's kinks now, their sexual chemistry clicked so well. Yes, it's true, Jungkook takes him to heaven and hell of pleasure. Oh God, seokjin feels hard.

" It's a really strong one "

"And the last one, Number 10, I love you so much. I want to experience every step of my life with you "

" Hmm, so...I think....hmm....its a yes "

Seokjin is the first one to join their lips. Smile never left their face. He moves and settles on Jungkook's lap. They kiss like it's their first and last.

The rings are forgotten on the seat, and both of them are lost in kissing each other.

Love makes you happy and sad, strong and weak, free and stressed, makes you but can break you to pieces too and makes you question everything at the same time becomes the answer to your doubts.

But it makes you feel life. And feeling all those emotions makes you alive.

Seokjin and Jungkook are happy that they found each other. They found love no doubt but they found themselves when they ran into each other. They are each other's comfort because they learned from each other how to be comfortable and lovable people for themselves.


So here I put an end to this story of Jinkook. This book always brought a smile to my face. Thank you again. Love you 💕🥺

 Love you 💕🥺

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