"I need a Happy Meal, before dealing with both of their collective shit."


Slater opened his door to a brunette man with mischievously glinting sinister eyes. He stepped backward in shock, recognizing the face.

The man laughed at his fear, delighted.

"So you know me!"

Slater quivered silently infront of the Trickster.
"Why are you here?" He asked his voice shaking.

Kol Mikaelson smirked,"You have something I need." He stepped into the apartment.

"I, I----"

"Yes, you darling. I generally don't waste my time of riff raffs." He leaned forward and looked in Slater's eyes, "Erase all the data you have on Mikaelsons, destroy your backup too."

Slater stared enraptured as Kol leaned back as if in thought and hummed.

"Call me, discreetly if you receive anyone curious about the Original Vampires. Forget I compelled you."

Kol smiled at the vampire who stood before him with glazed eyes and sped out of there.

His part is done, for now.
They won't find who we are.


Elijah tossed a hundred dollar note and picked up some coins from a beggars bowl, leaving him in a daze as he stared at the note, checking its authenticity.

He juggled the coins in his hands as his eyes focused on the people inside the Cafe. Damon Salvatore, Rose Marie and the vampire Kol compelled.

His ears twitched as he zeroed in on their conversation,

Rose: Hey, how are you?
Slater: Good. I saw you come, what are you doing here?
Rose: Mmm, it's a long story but I want you to meet...
Slater: Damon Salvatore. Turned 1864 in Mystic Falls by Katherine Pierce aka Katerina Petrova. So I take it I was right, what I told you about the tomb under the church was true?
Rose: Yes. It was right. Thank you for the tip.
He looks at Damon.

Slater: It's nice to meet you, maybe. What's going on Rose? Where's Trevor?

Elijah smiles.

Elena enters the little cave feeling triumphant and nervous and a little guilty about tricking Stefan and extracting a vow of secrecy from Caroline.
She enters the cave not knowing she would leave with more questions then answers---not realizing that Katherine Pierce did not gives up, she schemes, manipulates, traps and sacrifices pawns in her game and leaves them suffering as she escapes, she has been alone for a long long time and had only herself to rely on, she was a survivor.

The Salvatores were too arrogant, too young to know the fear of Katerina's name, her fame as the Black Widow and her games. They thought they have seen the world, thought they have seen her and known her. They forgot so often that Katherine was born centuries before them, didn't realise they were just small conquests in her list of jilted lovers she left behind.

Damon thought himself so special, he thought she loved him, thought he had left an impression on her. Spoiler alert: he didn't.

The Salvatores were just a means to end, to help her integrate into high society and escape Klaus' sight for a little longer.

In their delusions they thought they have trapped her, defeated the Katherine Pierce, oh how wrong they were.

The game was on, afterall.

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