10 Trying to fall

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Lucy's POV

"Gray!", I screamed and panted

"What?", he shot me mean glares. What's wrong with him???

Gray's POV

Shit. Do I even have a chance on her???

I'm standing beside the door of the infirmary with Lucy's bag and mine on the floor. I can hear laughing and giggling inside. Ugh.

I know I'm hers.

Since the first time I saw her.

I peeked at the door as I saw her smiling. My heart clenched. My stomach crumbled. And I guess my eyes is getting dark. Gray. Get a hold of it. I sighed.

Im hers.

But she's not mine.

She could have any guy she wish.

While I would never choose anybody except her.

Clearly, I'm the hang man around her.

"Gray!", I heard her call but I continued walking


"What?", Lucy, please if you don't want me then don't make me hope!

" Are you mad?", she asked forming a curve on her neat eyebrows.

I faced her and hugged her. Tightly as if I'm gonna lose her.

"G-Gray, your k-killing me", she can barely say

I loosen the tightness but I still hugged her gently.

" I'm always yours, Lucy. But I never have a clue since when you'll be mine", I whispered

"G-Gray", she mumbled and got tensed.

"Lucy, I hate it when someone else makes you smile" then I felt a grin on her jaws

"So it is ok if no one will hurt me except for you?" She asked. I should be puzzled by these kinds of questions but I never felt so sure until now.

"I will always protect you,Lucy. Even if it takes for me to back away." I broke the hug and looked into her deep brown orbs.

"I love you, Lucy" I cupped her face and kissed her. She was stiff at first then just like the first time we've kissed, she melted leaving her hands caressing my face pulling it towards her. I love how she always melts when I kiss her. It makes me want to melt too. Yeeek, now I think like a girl. But still,I would never want to lose her. I'd better die if ever.

"Get a bed you two."

"AHHHHHHH!!!", Lucy and I screamed in surprise as Erza's devil glare set upon us.

"You seem like you never know me, I'm hurt", she said as she was wiping her sword and pouting but her voice still sound like trouble.

"No-no-no that's not it Erza We were just s-surprise, that's all", Lucy got panic at the sight of Erza. I'll always protect you Lucy.

Erza dropped her sword and in to my surprise hugged Lucy with tears flowing from her eyes.

Lucy looked at me and shrugged w/ her awkward smile. I simply grin at her sight knowing that even her most awkward state she is still the most beautiful.

"What kind of a comrade you are?! You'll leave the team just for that stupid asshole?! H-he should be the one to leave Fairytail!!", Erza screamed. ha. Now I'm like a wall staring at their moments.

"What's with all the drama?", Minerva ruined their crying session

"Yes, Enough of this. But what would you do if ever your friend got heartbroken by some jerk?!" Erza screamed as she wiped her tears

"Well, If I were you I'm gonna use all 100 swords at a time for him", Minerva smirked

"Will threatening with sword do?", Erza asked

"Yeah, as long its about ten."

"Exactly", Wait. What?? HAHAHAH!! I should've seen Natsu's face with that!!

"Well, too much chats. Here." she handed Lucy the cloth that has calming effect. The one I used on her.

"Rogue wants you to remember him. And I want you to get stronger and maybe come to Sabertooth", she offered Lucy with a smirk. Well, wherever she goes I go.

"How dare you invite my comrade infront of me?", Erza whispered but her voice can always be heard

" Is that a threat I hear?", Damn. These two are just like our girl version of me and Stinkbrain.

"I guess we should be going now, say Rogue that he should get well soon" I grabbed Lucy away from the upcoming fight.

"Yes, we should go. Thanks anyway for letting our comrades stay with you",Greeted Erza

"you are not welcome",

"Well, you're so POLITE"' Erza said as emphasizing the words 'polite\

"Thank you! And please tell Rogue that I had fun talking with him. And let him be well!"' Lucy waved goodbye sensing the upcoming world war



Classes sucks. Especially if your an officer. Believe me. Just say ' I give up or whatever just to save yourself.

Sorry for 2 months out :( . I lost my phone(which I use to make stories) first day of school. :P Yup, This school year ain't for me O.O

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