9 Giving Her Up

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Lucy's POV

Natsu and Laxus already went back to the guild. I do feel pity for Natsu. Who wont? He has been dragged, throwed and twirled all in one day. He even get rejected by his ex.

Wait. Im his ex.

Nope. Im not his

Could I give him a chance?

Nah. He doesnt deserves it.

Im still here at the infirmary with Rogue sitting beside me, Gray standing infront of us crossed arms, Sting relaxing by the wall and the 2 exceeds sharing us concerned looks.

"So? Since your staying can we have-a", Rogue stuttured " somekind of.. You know.. Uhmm.. ", I looked at him and I guess I already know what he means.

" Its called a date.", Gray sighed

" Uhm... So will you?", Rogue asked

"As long as you can stand sure :)", I said but inside my guts are saying

'a date after a break-up? Your one of a kind >_<

" But before anything else Rogue must rest a bit from all drama.", Sting said.Awww. He is a sweet brother.

...moments later...

" Should I be jealous or what?", Gray sulked laying on the bed.

Im now preparing for 'our date.

" Uhm. You can. You will. You shouldnt. You must. You cant. You wont. You should. Adunno.", I said while picking up clothes. I guess its better to be simple.

" What if your going to a high class resturant? You cant be simple in jeans or you'll look out of place", Gray scolded me. Hey. I didnt told him what I taught!

" Milady, remember you always think out loud. So loud in fact", I turned around seeing a good view of his smirk.

he stood up and rested his thumb on my chin lifting it up. His face is too close to mine. I looked at his lips. Ugh. Reminds me the first time Natsu kissed me. Then I felt an escaped tear from my eyes. I didnt notice that I was already fantasizing of my history with Natsu.

" Lucy.", Gray whispered but in my mind I was imagining its Natsu.

Gray's POV

When I held her she cried. Did I frighten her?. No. She didnt restrain. I took a peek to her lips reminding me how soft they were when we first kissed. She still crying river. I dont know how to comfort her. Kiss her?

Then she did what I never expected. My eyes grew big with shock. She pinned me to the bed. She's still crying but with no sound.

Is she gonna rape me?!

Then she got nearer to my face. Ugh. Kiss me already.

Wait. Am I cheating on Juvia?

Nope. She aint my girlfriend.

" Natsu.", she whispered. Is she thinking that I am him?

She leaned down for a kiss.

Inches closer

Centimeters closer

a little closer..

And there.

She froze. Tears were still flowing from her eyes. I felt her tears drop to my chest. Her tears are so cold. Damn she looks perfect.

She got up and distance herself from me. She wipes her tears. Why didn't you just continue it?

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