1 Bitter ending

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Lucy's POV

Arghhh!!! How could he?! How?! Why?!!

Urghh!!!!! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!

I am running,walking, jogging??? Hell knows. I just need to get away. Get away from everything that connects to him

Sooner, I found myself at the Fiore's docks. Perfect. Nobody is here. I can scream and cuss all I want. The boats will keep my noises covered.

urgghh!! His just a nobody but how could he?! He just cares for food and hiself! Why did I ever fell in love with him? He just uses me as a.... replacement

I felt my knees quiver. I suddenly feel so heavy. Well. maybe I am. I am heavy. Weak. Useless. and Dumb.

I sat down. Staring blankly at the ships.


I was inside the guild sipping on my strawberry milkshake. Mira was too busy too talk to me. My eyes wandered off to my boyfriend. Natsu Dragneel. Yes. my bestfriend to my lover. I sighed. I cant help it but I miss him. He seemed so distant. Well its already a week since Lisanna came back from death. All Natsu does is talk or stare at her. To be honest I'm jealous but his my boyfriend. His MINE. I should trust him. Yeah. I should

"Hey Lu-chan? Everything's alright?" ,Levy asked

"Yeah. Nope. I dunno" I was still staring at Natsu and Lisanna

"ooh... Your not jealous but your missing him right?"yeah this girl can read you like a book.

"Yah." , I sighed

"You should keep an eye on Flame brain" Gray interrupted as he sit next to me

"I'm not clingy and I trust him."

then I saw Natsu walked towards me. He should've caught me staring. I blushed. Same old days..

"Hey Lucy."ouch. what happened to luce? :'(

"Oh Natsu! Lets go on a job I really do need to pay my rent :)" my face gleamed up knowing I do miss him.

"Meet me at the oak tree 4:00 I need to tell you something"

he then gave me his cocky yet cute smile

"ookayyy" I slowly said and he went back to Lisanna

At least now I can manage to smile.

I suddenly felt a hand on mine.

"Lucy. Please." Gray whispered bowing his head down.

"huh? Is there something you need?"

I asked

"Uhmm. nothing in particular actually. heehehehe" then he went of.

I went to my house and changed clothes

***Time Skipped***

"Natsu! I miss you so much" I jump hugging him. He didn't moved and he backed away from my hug.

"Lucy I got something to tell you"

"What? :)" I managed to smile at him even though his so awkward.

"Im breaking up with you so that I can court Lisanna" he gave me a smile and a scratch his salmon hair. but....

I feel tears building up my eyes I looked down so that he cant see my tears.

"Lucy. please. You always knew Lisanna came first. Me, Lisanna and Happy were like a family"

"why?", I asked facing my back in front of him I don't want to look at his bright face. Its just too much. I feel like every inch of me is breaking up... My tears wont stop flowing river. My hearts feels like it was squeezed by his own very hands..


Then I punched the oak tree leaving my hands bleeding and now I'm too hurt to care for my physical injuries!

"Give me ten good reasons!" I screamed breaking every piece of me..


1.You are weak

2.your dependent on me

3. Your mouth is all about blaming and complaining

4.Your too clingy

5.Lisanna is my first

6. I want and love her

7. Shes strong

8.She is not you

9. She is all Ive been waiting for

10.Your just a replacement." he said it all to fast but my heart was savoring every letter. I asked him this. I ate my own poison


he held me hugging me. How could he even dare?!

"Get off me!!!!" I shrugged him off and I slapped him real good that I could see my hand marks red on his face.

But he hugged me tighter but I cant feel any tears. No trace of heartbeat from him. No trace of guilt.

I hugged him back and I got off him gently

"Natsu. I'm leaving the team" I offered. He was shocked and place his hands on my shoulders I shrugged them off

"Come on Lucy. Theirs no need to leave"

"Made my decision. Now, Leave" he went of leaving me angry,sad, lonely, who knows I'm just feeling like dying in the most strongest state.

***End of Flashback***

And I smell something burning. I see a small wooden boat from afar. then an old man who looked soo..THE BOAT!

I quickly ran to the small boat and called Aquarius. "Gate of the-"

wait no. I don't want to rely on my spirits anymore. They make me feel weak and dependent. I found a small jet-ski and went quickly to the old man.

"Hey. Give me your hand"

"Thank you very much"

I quickly got him out of the boat and got at shore. I heard the old man sobbing.

"Why are you sobbing?", I politely asked.

"My boat. my only hope for my family"

he continued sobbing until he noticed my keys his face got darker with anger

"Your a celestial wizard and you have a key to Aquarius?" the old man was boiling but I still don't know why.


"Stupid Fairytail wizard you should've sent her to help me and my boat and my FAMILY!!!!" woah.

" Yes. but looked at the bright side I saved your life."

"You could have save much more if you weren't so weak! Your spirits are stronger replacements of you! You should have -"

I place my hand in front of him. Signing him to stop. As my tears went down my face. Hatred and anger swirl around my heart. I got my 50,000 jewels from my pocket and hand it over to old man.

"I am weak. I could be easily replaced by anybody but knowing those facts are already heavy to bare with" i knelt down so I can give the old man the jewels. He seemed guilty. I don't care. I'm hurt. I'm numb. "please take these jewels and lighten up my burden." I reached it out to his palm

"Thank you"

I said running off to my apartment.

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