The Supreme Leader and the Cheerleaders (10)

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   "Nyeh, Gonta? Can you give us some privacy, please?" Himiko asked. 

   "Oh! Sure, sure! Gonta leave! Just let Gonta finish feeding beetles," Gonta replied. Kokichi and Himiko waited patiently as Gonta fed the last of the beetles. "Okay! Gonta leave now!" Gonta left the room, leaving Himiko and Kokichi alone. 

   "So...what did you want?" Himiko asked, sighing heavily. 

   "Wow...that was kinda rude," Kokichi teased. Himiko huffed in annoyance and crossed her arms.

   "Well, it was rude of you to start a fight with Tenko," she countered. 

  "She started it," Kokichi said. "She keeps calling me a degenerate male." Himiko rolled her eyes.

  "Nyeh...I *do* need to have a serious talk with her about that," Himiko muttered to herself. Then, she wagged her finger at Kokichi. "And don't say all those lovey-dovey things to Tenko...even if you didn't mean it!" Kokichi grinned impishly.

   "Awww...did my wittle HimiCocoa Bean get jealous?" he teased, pinching Himiko's cheeks. 

   "N-No! I just...was concerned for your safety," Himiko lied. "I was afraid that she was going to launch you across the room." Kokichi smirked playfully, seeing through her lie. He then gently leaned his forehead against Himiko's.

   "I'm sowwy, Monkey Buns," he murmured, kissing the back of Himiko's hand. "I just said that to catch her off guard." Himiko batted her eyelashes at him.

   " long as you did it to mess with her, I guess it's fine," she said. "But don't say it to her again."

   "Okaaay, I won't," Kokichi replied, kissing Himiko's cheek. 

   "Now that that's over, what did you want to talk to me about?" Himiko asked. 

   "What *did* I want to talk to you about?" Kokichi asked.

   "What?! You forgot?!" Himiko exclaimed. 

   "Haha! Yup, I guess I did!" Kokichi laughed. Himiko looked at him in disbelief. "Hey! Maybe if we make out, I might be able to remember!" Himiko blushed deep red. 

   "Kokichi!" she scolded. 

   "Nee-heehee...welp, can't blame a guy for trying," Kokichi replied with a nonchalant shrug. "Aaanyhoo...I wanted to talk to you about Kaede."

   "So you *do* remember what you wanted to talk about!" Himiko said, squinting her eyes at him. Kokichi merely smiled and rolled his eyes at her before continuing to speak.

   "So, remember after the game this afternoon when Kaede was acting like a meanie butt-head?" Kokichi asked. Himiko nodded. "Well, I had a talk with her in the locker room, and I think she may have saw us kissing before the game started."

   "Nyeh? How do you know?" Himiko asked. 

   "I noticed she didn't start acting weird until right *before* the game," Kokichi explained. "I remember that she had a look of suspicion on her face when we came into the locker room from behind the school building after I had changed into my disguise. Then, *after* the game, she told me that I shouldn't get too buddy-buddy with the other girls on the squad."

   "So, what does that mean?" Himiko asked. 

   "I have a feeling that Kaede thinks that you're cheating on me," Kokichi concluded. 

    "W-W-WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Himiko exclaimed. ""

   "Think about it, Himiko," Kokichi interrupted. "When you were about to say something to her after the game, her reaction towards you was the most intense. And, she was kinda giving you the cold shoulder during dinner tonight."

   "Nyeh...I guess I did notice all that," Himiko admitted. "I just...didn't know what I did wrong to make her so mad at me."

   "I think she may have walked in on us kissing, and thinks that you're cheating on me," Kokichi repeated. "That's why her behavior towards you was so intense because she didn't think someone she trusted would do such a thing. And that's why she told me to back off because she may have thought that I, as Chi-Chi, was influencing you in some sort of way."

   "Uuugghhh...what a pain," Himiko groaned. "I'm not a cheater! I would never cheat! For her to think of me that way..."

   "That's why  we need to be more careful from now on," Kokichi said. "We got careless, but from now on, we definitely shouldn't show each other any kind of affection while I'm in disguise."

   "That's gonna be hard," Himiko muttered. "Especially if you keep encouraging the others to work harder."

   "What? What does that have to do with anything?" Kokichi asked. Himiko gave him a bashful smile.

   "Nyeh...I think it's hot," she replied. "It makes me want to smother you with kisses."

   ", you don't want me to say all those lovey-dovey things to Tenko, but you don't mind me giving the other girls attention by encouraging them to work harder?" Kokichi asked.

   "It's different," Himiko said. "You're doing it while disguised as a cheerleader. That's just funny." Kokichi smiled and shook his head at her. 

   "You're a dweeb, Himiko," he said, stroking Himiko's cheek affectionately. 

    "Hee-hee...yeeeaahhh..." Himiko sighed, holding Kokichi's hand to her face.

    "The competition is next week," Kokichi continued as Himiko kept hugging his hand. "Until then, we'll show no affection towards each other while I'm in disguise, okay?"

   "Okay," Himiko replied quietly, gently kissing Kokichi's fingers. "But the times when you're not wearing your disguise, we can show each other affection, right?"

   "Yuppers!" Kokichi replied.

   "Nyeeeh! Yay!" Himiko exclaimed, throwing her arms around Kokichi's neck, and giving him a kiss. Kokichi smirked at her.

   "Pffft...and you said you didn't wanna make out," he said. Himiko huffed and groaned in annoyance, her eyes shifting back and forth.

   "Let's just hurry up and get this over with," she grumbled. Kokichi laughed smugly as she grabbed his arm, and dragged him to his closet. 


Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 2 (The Oumeno Strikes Back)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora