Chapter 35

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My mother shoved me off the couch and I screamed, falling face first into the carpet on the floor. I turned to look up at her, blinking sleep out of my eyes. "Mom! What was that for?" I complained, rubbing my head in pain.

She smiled down at me with satisfaction. "It's four in the afternoon. You've been laying on the couch all day. Kids your age should be out and about, doing stuff!" my mother retorted, helping me up from the ground. I frowned at her.

"It's not like I have school or anything. What else am I supposed to be doing?" I had been homeschooled by Father Chris after the incident with Tenko and Nezumi-kun. I bet it was a nice break for the both of us.

My mother sighed, brushing her short brown hair behind her ears. "Hana gets off of work soon. Why don't you go and see her work place? You can pick her up and the two of you can head out to eat or something," she suggested.

I nodded. That sounded like the perfect idea. I went to the entryway of the apartment and slipped on my red coat and I borrowed my sister's pink high tops. Under my coat I was wearing a cream turtleneck and navy blue jeans, my hair claw clipped back into a loose bun.

As I left, my mother called out to me. "And don't think just because you just got back doesn't mean you're able to avoid getting a formal education! I'm signing you up for school right now!"

I groaned as I shut the door behind me, shivering in the spring breeze. My education after I regressed was anything but formal. Up until my second year of middle school I hadn't even gotten one. Then, I only made it halfway through that year before being homeschooled. Luckily I received an education in my past life, otherwise I could have been a really stupid sixteen year old.

My mother texted me the directions to Hana's work and I was on my way. She didn't work that far away, a ten minute walk at most, so I took my time enjoying the scenery.

Hosu city was known for being a dangerous city. It had a dense villain population, and there were constant news reports from around this area. It explains why my mother's home might be cheaper.

But, even so, the city itself was pretty enough. Walking pedestrians looked happy, stores seemed to be making good business. It wasn't all that bad of a city. I'm sure the number of heroes and police located here leveled out the number of villains.

Eventually, I was a corner away from Hana's workplace when I passed by an alleyway. I froze. My ears perked as I heard a frantic voice from inside the alleyway and I couldn't help but approach. The alley was narrow, dark, and cold, and as I came closer, the voice became more familiar. It was Hana's. A voice just like mine, our speaking mannerisms the only difference.

My eyes widened as I immediately crept into the alleyway. Hana would never go into such a dirty place for no reason. There had to be something wrong.

The alleyway split off into a T. The talking was coming from my left, so I slowly peered around the corner, trying to keep myself concealed in the dim light.

"Jikan, don't act like you don't remember."

For a moment, that statement caught my off guard, causing me to freeze in place. I thought I had been spotted. It was only then I saw the horrifying scene before me.

Only yesterday had I recognized his face for the first time in years. Dabi. He was standing tall, menacingly in front of my sister, towering over her. His scarred face twitched slightly, as he glared at her with his oddly familiar icey blue eyes. It seems he mistook Hana for me. But how did he know me? The only time we had ever interacted was right before I regressed. Even then, he hadn't learned my name. Also, he shouldn't even remember that time.

Tomura Shigaraki Rewritten (Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora