Chapter 39

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"Dabi! It's the villain, Dabi!" I heard a panicked shout. As assumed by a high school in Hosu city, several students ran out in the rain to fight Dabi, who was standing right above me.

Several of them held a fighting stance, some of their quirks activated. Dabi shrugged them off and ignored them, looking down at me. His face was concerned, and for a moment, it shocked me. Not only his concerned expression, but why was here? Why now? Why was he revealing himself?

"You alright?" he asked, holding out a hand for me. I blinked up at him through the rain before declining his held out hand and getting up on my own upright. Dabi shrugged in response before turning back over towards the students currently facing him off. I looked down to see mud covering my uniform and my damp clothes sticking to the shape of my body. I felt exposed, but that was the least of my worries at the moment.

"What are you doing here?" I said through gritted teeth, looking up at him. "Any moment now a hero is going to be summoned and you'll be in prison for sure." He didn't even spare a glance at me at the thought. He only wiped some rain out of his eyes before combing back his hair with his fingers.

"If it was that easy for heroes to catch me, I wouldn't be here right now," Dabi chuckled with a cool smile as some of the students began to lash out at him. One student sent a ringlet of thorns straight to his face. He lifted his sleeve in front of him, causing the thorns to dig into the cloth. He flinched.

"Are you alright?" I asked, jumping up behind him.

He winced, turning to look at me before pricking off the thorns. "It's hard to use my fire without overexerting myself or losing control. There's too much rain."

Just then another student came speeding towards us. Without thinking, I quickly jumped into Dabi, shoving him out of the way, only for the student to double back again and ram us both backwards.

I fell back in the mud, clutching my stomach with pain. The student seemed to have super speed, and punched me backwards before I could stop him. Dabi landed next to me, a glare clear on his face, his unimpressed expression gone.

More students were approaching, and without Dabi's quirk working properly. I looked around in a panic, trying to think of a solution. "Are you sure you can't use your fire?" I yelled through the weather.

"Unless you want me to kill all these students!" he snapped back. But then a smile twitched upon his face. "Which I wouldn't mind doing." I elbowed him in the side and his smile immediately disappeared again.

"Guess we're running," I said through gritted teeth.

He nodded before hooking an arm over my far shoulder and hauling me upwards with him. The students were beginning to surround us, but Dabi found an opening and charged through it along with me. I felt a pair of something like claws scrape my side and drew in a sharp breath, but kept running.

We quickly made it to the front gates of the school to find they were closed. Dabi cursed under his breath before holding his hands together, indicating he would use them as a support for my foot the hop over. I didn't chance looking back at the approaching danger and stepped on his support, throwing myself over the fence. I sloppily made my way over, nearly tripping over as I landed on the floor on the other side.

Dabi was climbing the fence after me, when the students had caught up to us. It was a boy from my class I recognized. He gave me an evil grin before gripping onto Dabi's leg as he tried to climb over. Dabi glared down at him as he tried to wriggle out of the boy's grip, half of his body over the gate now.

Then, a gray substance started creeping up Dabi's leg. It was some sort of cement or... stone. The boy was petrifying Dabi. I almost fell down in a shocked panic. I couldn't believe how dangerous these high school students really were.

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