Not an expected arc ending

Start from the beginning

those are not his..

Dazai would never get such an ugly and uncomfortable brand, never!

so. it was the school nurse then. Great.

oh.. what did he ever do to deserve thiss??

Now he has to think of some lame excuse, not even and the Best excuse is going to get him out scot-free..

wait what even happened..?

the USJ.. Aizawa .. everyone

"OH! heyyy Aizawa sensei..." Dazai weaved a little hand at him.

Aizawa's scarf picked up the villain attacking him previously, before slamming her into another villain he was dealing with ..previously.

"why the hell aren't you with your class?!" Aizawa glared at him but quickly turned away, to focus himself back on the other villains.

Dazai watched a villain run at Aizawa while he was distracted. so.. to show his gratitude to his dear teacher.. he shot the villain before he could even touch Aizawa.

with the tranquilizer gun of course .. he doesn't have a real gun still. "unfortunately.." Dazai held the gun down, as he muttered.

a loud yet silent shot, was heard in the air. Dazai watched Aizawa throw the villain he was dealing with to the ground, harsh. before he Looked around for the source of the noise

Dazai noticed Aizawa now looking over at the source, to see a villain twitching aggressively. he looked back at Dazai.

Dazai tilted his head at the villain. "well.. that could use some improvement, I wonder why they're twitching so harshly." he looked at the gun in his hand confused.

Aizawa looked visibly concerned glancing between Dazai and the gun.

[the Rest of the incidents throughout the USJ very cloudy and foggy, but Dazai did remember faintly a big Bird looking thing... said Bird thing, kicked him out of the way right in his ribs]

Oh. that's what happened..

and that must explain the stabbing pain in his ribs. seriously! every time he moved it felt like getting shot at.

Dazai flinched at the sound of a door opening. The curtains were closed where he was, so he couldn't see who was coming in.

but it was two patterns of footsteps, two people.
well the first person coming in.. didn't have normal footsteps. it was way lighter than any adult or teenager footstep pattern would be.

"there's not much I can do for the young Dazai here, my quirk won't work on him. if anything it's making him worse." An old ladies voice was heard, Dazai silently listened in.

"oh? making him worse you say, how so?" A high-pitched voice questioned.

so the nurse, and the principal?

"well im sure you already know the Bad effects of my quirk, and with his nullify quirk i cant help him. but it's not just that.. I tried out my quirk earlier to see if it would work. but all that happened was his blood pressure going down, that's very serious, death serious." recovery girl replied.

wait what. Dazai didn't know that his ability had affects on his physical state. he just thought it had effects on his mental state.

"oh.. we'll have to get him to a real hospital, they will be able to take better care of him. but I am assuming his blood pressure didn't go down all that much?" Nezu Took a sip of something, Dazai was assuming it was tea. he could tell from the clash of glass after the sip was taken.

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