Chapter 29: The Black Smoke

Start from the beginning

But his reflection catches his eyes and almost falls into a trance. "Hey," Scanlan calls out, catching his attention as he drew the half-giant away from the sword. "Let's move, big guy!" he tells him.

Grog blinks for a moment then place the sword on his back and follows in step.

Vax falls to a knee, holding Keyleth in her arms as he pants. "Vax," Kyria said as she went to his side. "I'm... all right," he assures her.

Then Grog walks up to them. "Hey," he calls out and takes Keyleth from Vax and held her in his arms. Both stood to their feet. "Easy, I got her from here," he assures.

Vax just pants at him, "Thank you, Grog." he said and they both followed after him as they all step into the tunnel, leading further away from the Ziggurat.


They were back inside the residuum chamber that nearly killed them. But as Kyria steps back in she reverts to her new self, forearms turn jet black, her nails turn back to claws, her canines stretch and sharpen, a light red patch appears on her shoulder, and horn rose from her head and her tail was swishing behind her.

Jason looks at her as she looks down at her hands, "Hey, I'm... well, me again." she states, Scanlan looks at her for a moment then down at his lute. "Okay, wait-wait-wait, hold up, hold you," he calls out, tuning his lute.

"Scanlan's hand." he sang, then a small little hand appears next to him, giving him a thumbs up. "Yes, we got magic," he informs as Vax pulls off his cloak and lays it out as Grog gently lays Keyleth on top of it.

"Vex, another elixir!" Vax calls out as Kyria hurries to Keyleth's side. Jason steps up next to Vex as she digs through the bag of holding as the darkness etches through Keyleth's face.

"I need it, hurry!" he calls out, looking at his sister, she sighs as if it was empty. "There's just, there's no more," she calls out, frowning at her brother.

Kyria was still for a moment as Vax lowers his head, turned away from his sister, and looks down at the dying druid. Kyria drops off her knees, sitting on her side as she exhales, the tears forming in her eyes.

"Keyleth..." Vax whimpers as the tears were spilling, Vex turns her head, pressing her fist to her lips. Vax held Keyleth's hand in his, raising it off the ground, the darkness etches through her hands as he gently places his on top. "Forgive me," he whispers and kisses her knuckles.

Kyria looks at her sisters, the tears spilling down her cheeks as she gently rubs her forehead. Vax pulls Keyleth's hand to his cheek as he sobs. Helpless to save the woman he loves.

"Brother. I'm so sorry." Vex calls out to him, she sobs die down as he pulls her hand away and lays it against her. Hold it one last time before he lets go.

Keyleth's hand drops, brushing against the pouch she had tied at her side as a little moss slips out. He locks his eyes on the little green moss as the realization hits him. "Wait. Herbs." he starts, grabbing the pouch and dumping everything out.

Kyria looks over at him and searches through the herbs. "What else did she use?" he mutters to him. Kyria catches on as she wipes away her tears. "Flint and dirt. I can't remember the third one," she answers.

Vax nods at her as Jason steps forward. Vax quickly scoops everything into his hands "Shortholt! Need that magic!" he calls out, Scanlan ran up to them and pulls out his lute.

Vax spits into the herbs and began to ground them with his thumb. "Uh, disgusting mug and spit. Turn into some healing shit." Scanlan sang as a small amount shot out and into the mixed herbs. It glows as Vax presses it at Keyleth's wound.

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