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Humans aren't destined to live long.

That was common knowledge among demons and angels alike.

Which was why love between humans and immortal beings was known as taboo.

Everyone knew their happiness was destined not to last long.


"Lilith..." Asmodeus nearly sobbed.

"She incurred the wrath of father. She's...on the verge of facing the ultimate punishment."

Muted cries filled the room as Mammon slowly took in the information. Of course, he was left in disbelief. Brows furrowed, he frowned incredulously.

Mammon's breath hitched. "That's insane! Ultimate punishment? I haven't even heard of anythin' like that!"

"That's because she'll be...the first." Leviathan lowly muttered. Nonetheless, it was still audible to those in the room. Mammon clenched his jaw.

"...What's this punishment, then?!"

"The ultimate punishment..." Beelzebub began, only to trail off. Leviathan hesitantly and painfully added, "...is execution."


Mammon was horrified by the newfound information.

Lilith was going to be executed.

But why...?

What kind of act could have possibly incurred such a punishment so grim?

Mammon turned to Lucifer, who stood silent the entire time. "Lucifer, this is crazy, right?! You...you guys can't possibly think...that this is real!"

"..." Lucifer turned away from his brotherl. "...It's true."

It took a lot of convincing from the five to stop Mammon from plainly marching to the higher ups and foolishly demanding for Lilith's freedom. After all, it wasn't as though they, especially Lucifer, had already tried.


From what they told Mammon, Lilith's human lover had recently been struck with an incurable sickness. Lilith had neglected such symptoms because it didn't look too grim at the time.

However, she was horrified at the sight of her lover's condition growing worse and worse. She was aware he'd die soon. Her desperation clouded her judgment as she took food from the Celestial realm as an attempt to heal and extend his lifespan.

Everyone knew that was forbidden. Humans were meant to live short lives. And as angels, they had no right on deciding whether a human should live longer or otherwise; to shorten or extend their life.

Due to this, Lilith incurred the wrath of Father, as Asmodeus previously mentioned.

She was currently being held imprisoned deep inside the castle. Lucifer managed to persuade them to give it time.

Not more than a mere few days.

He hoped to change everyone's minds of this intense punishment. To at least try and alleviate it. And they granted his wish.

But Lucifer and the rest knew.

That the punishment wasn't going to waver.

And it never would.

No matter what they do.

Which was why everyone was in such grisly spirit.

And Mammon was no less after hearing the news.

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