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As soon as night fell the very next day, Mammon was pretty excited to meet the pretty human again. Well, there were other opportunities to do that since he was technically obligated to look after you for the rest of your life.

Even so, it still felt exhilarating to fly through the air as he made his way to you. This must've been normal for guardian angels, huh?

Feet gently landing on the floor of your balcony, Mammon gazes inside warily. You looked to be asleep on your bed like last night. Sneaking inside, the angel crouched beside your bed once again.

He knew better than to be as careless as yesterday.

The nightstand was empty now. It seems you didn't replace the flower vase with anything since it broke. He felt slightly guilty for being the one to cause the incident.

Now, what to do...?


What do guardian angels do again?



He could give you a blessing!

Carefully taking your hand in his', Mammon closed his eyes and whispered the familiar incantation. His eyes darted to your face when he finished. Still asleep and blissfully unaware.

Although it didn't look like something happened on the outside, the blessing was in effect. Take it as an apology for breaking your flower vase, hopefully. Besides, humans liked being blessed, right?

Mammon observed you. You didn't stir, much to his relief. The angel rested your hand back to where it laid earlier. Just as he stood up, the floor creaked underneath him.

Mammon was horrified.

He was careful this time, yet why did these kinds of things keep happening?!

Just as last night, Mammon resisted the urge to shriek and instead just darted out, not even daring to stop to take a glance at you.

And thus, his visit on the second night concluded, although not favorably so.


Third time's the charm.

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