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That was the human Mammon was assigned to.

Honestly, out of anything Mammon thought Lucifer would've asked him to do, becoming someone's guardian angel wasn't one of them. That was the job of the angels in lower ranking than him. The ones he used in his three-dimensional chess, even.

And yet here he found himself, landing on the balcony of his supposed target at night. His wings lowered.

The human's room was about three floors high, the balcony popping out. There was an untinted transparent glass door that separated your room from the outside.

Mammon took a step forward, the fabric of his outfit dragging across the cold stone floor. Carefully, he slid open the doors, parting the curtain inside. The room was quiet, seeing as you were passed out on your bed.

He was advised to visit at nights where he was sure you were asleep and had little to no chance of seeing him.

Just before he left, Lucifer lectured him about things to keep in mind when becoming a human's guardian angel. It wasn't new to Mammon, honestly. But Lucifer knew damn well Mammon needed to be reminded at least a couple of times more.

Of course, there was one rule that stuck out, known to be one of the most important.

As a guardian angel, under any circumstance apart from dire emergencies, the angel should never let themself be seen by their human.

It was a violation.

Something that would break the boundaries in a relationship between a guardian angel and their human.


Mammon nearly scoffed hearing Lucifer utter the warning out.


Mammon crept towards your bed slowly, careful not to make a sound. Once he was besides your bed, he crouched down.

Instantaneously, a small 'click' made itself present in Mammon's mind. Slowly, warmth filled his chest, prompting the angel to close his eyes. That must've been due to the bond being forged.

Mammon was now duty-bound to protect you until the end of your days.

As your guardian angel.

The white-haired male observed your visage, imprinting your features in his mind. You were sleeping peacefully, surely unaware of his presence.

Honestly, he didn't think it would be dishonest or a stretch to say you were attractive. To him, at the very least.

Pretty human.

Unable to resist, Mammon poked your cheek, watching the skin dip under his finger. It felt warm. Now having a playful smile, the angel continued to poke your cheek, simply entertained by the mini dips it would create.

Elated and amused, Mammon didn't even notice his wings spring up from behind him. Like a wagging tail, his wings stretched, unfortunately bumping into a small flower vase above your nightstand behind him.

Feeling the bump to his wings, Mammon looked behind him just in time to see the water-filled vase fall to the ground, shattering.

Eyes growing wide, Mammon scrambled to get up. Just before he turned around completely to fly out, he saw a glimpse of you rising from your bed, eyes barely even opened.



Mammon couldn't let you see him at all!

Hastily and with little to no thought, Mammon bolted out to the balcony and flew away. The cold breeze brought by the nightly air felt freezing against his skin. Though perhaps that was because of the rush of panic he felt when the vase shattered.

He could feel his heart pounding on his chest as his wings kept him in the air, a few distance away from your house. He let out an exasperated sigh.

As his chest rose and lowered, he instinctively placed a hand on his face, followed by another. His face burned, a direct contrast from his cold fingers.

Well, he surely couldn't go back now, right?

Better try his luck tomorrow instead. 

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