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Night time in the human world was frequently an adjustment from the always brightly lit Celestial realm when descending. After all, the night and day cycle only applied to the human world, so the Celestial realm was always at day time, as the Devildom was always at night time.

Mammon found himself brushing off the cold air that greeted him. He was on his way to you, visiting for the eighth time.

It was quite annoying to have to visit you only in the night time. It would be more convenient if he visited you during the mornings, but you'd be awake then. But now, apparently your stubborn ass was making it a point to stay up all night.

He couldn't help but wonder why.

Possibly waiting for your intruding guardian angel who couldn't sneak inside your noisy room? But hey, you were waiting for him specifically, right?

Much to his immense relief, no light was visibly lit up. Mammon's wings perked up as he flew.


He cautiously glided a little down your balcony, peeking inside to see if you were asleep or not. Through the small gaps of the curtain, he could faintly see that you were, in fact, asleep. Well, hopefully anyway.

His feet landed on the cold stone floor of your balcony, taking care to make soundless steps. Jokingly, he tried to open the door to your balcony.

'Kidding. I know this thing is still–'

Mammon stood baffled as the door slid to the side with ease.

You didn't...lock it this time?

...Was this a trap?!

Immediately, Mammon scanned his surroundings, seeing if opening the door triggered something. Seconds passed by with painful anticipation, and yet nothing happened. He heavily scrutinized your sleeping form.


Were you plotting something?


Quick assessment proved that you were indeed sleeping. Mammon let out a relieved sigh.

Watching his step, the angel quietly made his way to your side. Peering at your face, he furrowed his brows. Reaching a hand to your hair, he parted a few strands that had covered your forehead.

Your forehead was creased as you looked distressed about something in your dream. Mammon frowns.

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