How Do You Feel Now?

Start from the beginning

  "Oh, haha! I totally set myself up. She's with my dad right now. When I'm not by her side, my dad is." I nod, and we continue the path I was originally planning to follow.

  "So, uhm, who's your roommate? I saw him with you earlier. He didn't look too nice." I smile to myself, remembering the fit Niragi had about Kuina.

  "His name is Niragi. I don't think he's very bright, and he tries to come across as intimidating. I think he's insecure." I say in amusement, and Kuina makes a face.

  "Ew, red flags. I hate people like that. Total turn-off." I nod my head considering the tall woman's words.

  "Yeah, he's not ideal, but Niragi can be a very normal guy when he's comfortable." Kuina raises an eyebrow at me, and I return the expression.

  "Sorry, it's just..'ideal'? Do you like him or something?" What.

  "I can't say that I don't enjoy his presence at times. And he is much more favorable than any of his friends." Kuina laughs shortly and scrutinizes my face. I think I'm missing something.

  "What it is?" I ask kind of lost.

  "Nothing, nothing. But y'know, that isn't what I meant, right?" I hault right in front of the entrance to the south court yard.

  "What did you mean, Kuina?" I look up at the brunette. I can feel myself getting nervous. It feels strange to be held in suspense.

  "I meant, do you like Niragi more than platonically?" She drags out every word as if she's trying to teach a three year old a new language.

  I'm stagnant. I don't know how to answer that question fully. And I don't know where to start my thinking process. Do I like Niragi more than platonically? Do I like him at all? I mean, as a whole. I'd like to think not. Why would I? I've never felt strongly about a person before. Why would this pattern suddenly change for someone like Niragi? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this idea. Why would Kuina think that in the first place? Was it my body language or my tone or- Kuina shakes my shoulder.

  "Dude, are you ok? You're acting as if that question just melted your mind. I wasn't even being serious about it." I look into Kuina's eyes and sigh. She furrows her eyebrows.

  "Chishiya, there something going on in your mind?" I can't tell, but I nod anyway. She sighs.

  "Here, give me your phone. You have one, right?" I nod and pull the electronic out of my pocket, then I place it in Kuina's hand.

  "Ok~, I'm giving you my phone number so that if you ever have any conflicting thoughts, you can just call me and ask for some advice. Alright?" I swallow and take my phone back.

  "Yeah, that's fine. But what justifies that you are a reliable source of advice?" Kuina huffs a laugh.

  "Well, if you don't want my advice, I can always just listen to your problems." Valid answer. I get a notification from Hiko, and I know my time is up.

  "Uh, I'm gonna go back to my room. I'll see you, uh- Well, I'll see you." I wave to Kuina and walk back to the main entrance of the hospital. I doubt I'll ever call her.

  Niragi's friends are already walking out the door when I get to my room. Kenji and Maki are noticeably sweaty. Would it be worth it to ask Niragi about that? They better have stayed off my bed.

  "Niragi, did you ask Giang about the favor?" I quietly ask the taller man.

  "Oh, yeah, I did, but he needs your address and shit. You talk to him." I sigh and glance at the buzz haired man.

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