Chapter 8

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I was walking to my car planning to skip school when I saw Thomas Quinn standing beside Ginny's car.

"Come on," He said as he held her wrist, preventing her from unlocking her car. "We need to talk."

"Can't we talk at home?" She asked.

At home?!

So all this time she disappeared, she was staying with Thomas Quinn? What a little slut! And now she was calling his temporary house her home?

I gritted my teeth and moved stealthily into the shadows in the parking lot, wondering how the goddess had made the horrible mistake of choosing Ginny as my true mate when the only thing she could offer anyone was her body and she didn't even know how to keep it exclusive and was willing to share it around to anyone who wanted it.

"Don't insult my intelligence Imogen, we both know you have no intentions of returning to my house tonight or ever again." Thomas reprimanded her.

I was stunned to see Ginny look away with an adorable, shifty look of embarrassment. It was bewildering because I had never seen her with such a look.

Thomas held her wrist and dragged her towards the woods, "Come on, this place is too open, and we need to talk privately."

I followed them stealthily, deep into the woods until they found a spot under a tree where Thomas asked Ginny to sit. She didn't say a word as she sat beside him with her knees pressed to her chest and her chin on her knees, as though she wanted to occupy as little space as possible. She always sat like that, but I had never seen how vulnerable it made her look until today.

"We need to talk about the nightmares and why you can't seem to sleep in your own house, wherever that is," Thomas said, gazing at her. "I need to understand the full scope of the situation as I try to get you out of the Paxon pack."

Now that he said it, it was true. Ginny always wanted to sleep over at my place, but I had never been to her house. And with how much she claimed to love me, it was a little weird that she hadn't ever invited me to her house.

"Everyone has nightmares, Thomas. And my father doesn't care if I come home or not, so I don't have anyone waiting for me to come home, anyway." Ginny's reply was dodgy, and I could tell she was lying through her teeth.

Thomas was quiet for a few minutes, as if contemplating how to go about questioning her. "The night I caught you sleeping at the house, you had a nightmare. I wouldn't have known you were in the house without hearing you because I couldn't smell any foreign scents. Back then, I didn't hear your mutters. But the night we slept spoke out loud." I watched him pause and take a deep breath.

Then, he continued, "Do you want to tell me why you were whimpering and sobbing on my bed even after I had woken you up, or do you want to explain the words you said? How is crying and saying, 'Daddy, that hurts!' in a little girl's voice a regular nightmare?"

I covered my mouth with my hand to hold in my gasp of surprise. I knew that if I made any sound, Thomas would find me, and they would stop this conversation, so I had to be careful. Because I had to hear Ginny's answer.

I remembered that Ginny usually had nightmares, but they were silent ones with heavy gasping and sometimes a lot of kicking. Whenever I asked about them, she always used the excuse of everyone having nightmares to avoid telling me about them. I used to think they had something to do with losing her mother early in life, but now I realized that there was more to her nightmares than I'd thought.

Ginny stood up and paced as if she was trying to think of a lie to tell.

Thomas seemed to think so, too. "Don't bother lying to me. I know your father has been sexually abusing you for a while and that you sleep in other people's houses every night to escape from your own house. But what I don't understand is the look of sadness in your eyes when you asked me if we'd had sex. Did it...bring back terrible memories? Did being with me remind you of your father?"

The Pack Slut (The Fae Omegas, #1) [Full Version]Where stories live. Discover now