Chapter 2

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I woke up to the light from the morning sun flittering into the room from open window blinds I could have sworn was closed when I went to sleep after my bath.

"Who are you?" It was a simple question, but the voice of the person asking was unfamiliar. And worse yet, the unfamiliar voice probably belonged to the owner of the house I was renting without paying.

"Shit!" I sat up in shock, realizing that, for the first time since I started sneaking into and sleeping in other people's houses, I had gotten caught.

I tried to think of a lie or explanation that would seem reasonable to a human as I looked toward the owner of the voice that woke me up. I found him leaning on the wall, close to the foot of the bed, watching me with undivided attention.

At first glance, he registered as a tall handsome guy. At second glance, his intense coffee brown eyes were stunning. He was an incredibly handsome human with jet black hair and a slightly crooked nose, which had to have been broken at least once. He was also at least six feet three inches tall and a few inches taller than Nate, which was a rare feat for a human.

"As much as I enjoy the view, I'd like to know what you're doing here." He drawled.

I blushed as I glanced down my body to find that my white camisole was exposing a rather generous view of my boobs.

I pushed up the straps as I sat up. Then I pushed away the blankets and got off the bed that didn't belong to me.

"I'm so sorry. I just needed a place to sleep, and I will get out of your house right now." I didn't dare to look him in the eyes because I felt ashamed of getting caught staying over at his house without permission.

So I rushed into the bathroom with my overnight bag, without waiting for his reply.

I tugged on a skirt and blouse as fast as I could and walked out of the bathroom to find him still standing where I left him.

Well, for sure, he was a gentleman. I knew many human guys in my school who would have followed me into the bathroom without a care in the world.

"I'm leaving now. Thank you for not calling the cops when you saw me here," I said, and then I started walking out of the house.

However, before I could go far, a hand gripped my elbow. I threw the hand off my elbow and turned to face its owner, ready for a showdown if that's what I needed to do to get out of here.

"What do you want?" I asked, getting ready to defend myself if I needed to.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Who are you? What are you doing here? Are you homeless? You smell familiar, but you don't smell like a human or a werewolf, so what are you? Vampire?"

That question made me pause for a moment as the gears in my mind started running at a hundred miles per hour in fear. He wasn't human? Then that was worse.

Although I could deal with a human, I wasn't confident that I could fight another supernatural as an untrained youth who hadn't ever changed to werewolf form. So if he wanted to harm me, he could.

Since I didn't know what kind of supernatural he was or how powerful he was, and I didn't want to risk being on the receiving end of mercy from a potentially rogue supernatural, I decided running was my best option.

"I'm sorry, but I've got to go. There... someone is waiting for me."

Without waiting for his response, I walked out of the house as fast as I could without outrightly running. Once I was out of sight, I ran down the block to where I packed my car.

The Pack Slut (The Fae Omegas, #1) [Full Version]Where stories live. Discover now