⎯⎯ 3 : the stay.

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The sun was shining, not as bright, but very much warm, the temperature was perfect. A young brunette boy with a white streek in his hair was helping a very much older man's cocoa stand. Seems like the boy wholeheartedly helped he elementals, ofcourse. Who wouldn't love to help a person who let him stay in his house?

"Thank you for the help, Boboiboy." Petir said, seems that the lightning element user finally accepted the fact that Boboiboy's just a normal boy who got lost and hurted.

"Oh, it's fine, this is basically a small thank you for letting me stay at Tok Aba's place, i promise i will make it up to you guys." A small smile formed as Boboiboy said it. This wasn't even a big thank you, he really did owe a Lot to Tok Aba and his grandchild-ren.

It went quiet for some moment.

'Dang, this is way to akward, but i don't want to be the ome breaking the silence first.. should i? Or should i stay quiet? Oh, maybe i should break the silence, ah, but he doesn't like small talk tho, deep talks are way to weird, he literally just met me a few hours ago, mayb-'

"OIII! BOBOIBOY TO EARTHH??" A loud yell could be heard from a far away distance, stopping Boboiboy's thoughts. Oh, it was Api, maybe Tanah told him to pick up Boboiboy and Petir, it was the time for the stand to close up.

"OH! Right, i'm so so sorry! I was daydreaming." Boboiboy finally realised, how embarrassing.

"Dude, you've gotta stop zoning out! It could be real dangerous!" For once, Api was actually smart on this kind of topic.

"Besides, if you're thinking about home, don't worry! We'll help you get home!" Ah, how sweet were those words? Now that was not suprising coming from Api.

This felt nice. A quiet walk home, with the 2 of his red elements, felt more like home than home itself.

How adorable.
"Don't be so shy, make yourself at home."

Ah ofcourse, the owner of the house must meet the boy first right?

"Ah, thank you, Tok Aba"

Felt just like home, but.. with more company, it's like with more

Family members.

The troublemaker trio was ofcourse making a total mess at the dinner table, Tanah confronted them, as usual, but only Daun listened, meanwhile Api and Angin was eating-laughing looking at their successful prank on Petir, oh the biggest scolding they were about to get at this point. Air, Daun and Cahaya was trying so hard not to laugh at Petir while Tanah and Tok Aba was sighing in defeat, this always happens every night with the same goddang victim.

But on the other side,

Oh how happy Boboiboy felt, if he could express his feelings at this time, he probably couldn't, even seeing this moment on front of his eyes almost made him tear up, imagine telling the moment again knowing you probably aren't going to feel or even see that way ever again.

How he would love to stay here, forever.

"Boboiboy! Did you see pfft- his reaction? It was HILARIOUS! HAHAHAHAHAHA" Api laughed his butt of while saying that.

"EKHEM! Don't you guys see we have a guest here? Didn't i tell you guys to stop this nonesense of a prank? This is not table manners young man! Didn't i tell you tha-"

Oh, THERE it is, Mama Tanah's scolding!

As Tanah was scolding the two ( not so surprisingly, Tanah let Daun go without any consequences.

Little did they know, Boboiboy actually liked being around this type of chaos. It's adorable. He chuckled a bit, ah, how he really did wish he could stay here, forever and ever.
My stay will always be remembered.
Thank you for readinngg, sorry this was shortt, i had plan's with my friends these 2 days ;)


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