Sports Festival Finals

Começar do início

          His eyes grew large, "Are you sure about this Izu?" he asked. "I promised my sister and yours I would never use my quirk towards you." 

          "Its okay you've shown all that you can relative to your breathing technique thus far," I said. "Now show me what you've can do with your quirk." 

          He looked down to his hands for a moment then he clenched it. "Okay Izuku," He said softly. "But know this I'll be finishing this with one attack!" 

          "Give it your all!" I shouted back to him with a smile plastered across my face. 

          "Coming right up," He said then used his quirk to propel himself high into the air. "This is my ultimate move I've been working on!" he then began to spin his body around using his explosions to propel himself creating a circular tornado which was building up oxygen for his final strike. "Howitzer Impact!" He shouted as he propelled towards me. 

          As he was about a meter away from me I took action. "Sun Breathing, Eleventh Form: Fake Rainbow," I said twisting and rotating my body at high speeds leaving behind an after image as I came behind Katsuki and delivered a solid chop to his neck before he made contact with the after image, knocking him out. 

          "Ladies, Gentleman, and those of unspecified gender, you have witnessed history here today." Present mic announced.  

          "For the first time ever a quirkless person has beaten the odds and stood victorious here at the UA Sprots Festival." Aizawa said calmly. 

          "Izuku Yagi Has one the Final match!" Midnight cheered.

          "We will be awarding the medals in about 30 minutes," Mic announced. "To give time for second place to wake up."

Tomura POV:

          'Master asked me to watch the UA Sports Festival since the failure to get Stain to join our league.' I thought to myself as I saw that brat on the podium receiving the first place medal. 


          "You lack conviction now send me back to where you found me." he said after I explained what we wanted to do.

End Flashback 

          'Where does he get off saying I lack conviction in what I do' I though, then Gripped my glass with all my finger in anger decaying it and spilling my  beverage all over my desk. "Kurogiri bring me another drink please!" I yelled as I cleaned up my desk. 

          No response came normally he responds immediatly with a 'As you wish' or what ever. I wonder if he was called by his other master to do something.          

Stain's POV:

          "Now you can no longer claim you false title of hero Igenium," I said standing over the severely beaten hero. I jumped up to a roof an hopped over several roofs till I was far away from the act I just preformed. 'He will be found soon and taken to the hospital.' I thought as I looked out for any other fake heroes. 

          Suddenly I heard a small clack, as I turned around I saw a old style tatami door just there on the roof seemingly leading no where. Then it opened swiftly and out walked a purple skinned man with purple and black hair. As well as a well dressed man with a blue scar on his forehead and a Blue fedora which matched his blue over coat.

          "The Hero Killer Stain as you requested my master," the purple skinned man said. 

          "Thank you Kurogiri," The man said.   

          "No way that's Kurogiri!" I said pointing my blade at the man. "And if it were I told you to leave me alone I don't want any part in your League of Villains." 

          "Oh no," the man said calmly. "You miss understand, my good fellow. I am not here on behalf of the League, nay I am here because you have caught my interest." 

          "In what way have I caught your interest? Sir." I said curiously. 

          "Oh your mission to rid this world of Fake heroes." he said with a saccharine smile on his face. "I wish to aid you in this endeavor if you wouldn't mind?" 

          I looked him over analyzing him very closely, "I don't need your help I am succeeding in my mission fairly well on my own." 

          He looked down in what must have been mock sadness. "Oh, I so hopped we could come to some agreement." He said. "But since we can't I guess I'll just have to force you." then he snapped. 

          "Force me to what," I managed to say before I was lifted up by a large man who seemingly just appeared behind me.  

          "Force you to join my forces of course," he said walking slowly up to me. "See since the dawn of quirks I have always had a fascination with them. Especially with how they mix with the effects of my blood. Your Quirk is the first in awhile, that I am fine with acting upon at this time, that has caught my eye." 

          "WHat do you mean?" I spat out due to the choke hold by the behemoth holding me in place. "What does your quirk do to others." 

          "Quirk?" He asked. "Did I not make myself clear my blood has special effects. Though you'll understand it better in a moment." He raised his index finger up to my forehead and his finger nail grew. He then stabbed his finger into my forehead and I began to feel a pumping sensation then great pain as he pulled his finger out. 

          "If you prove useful in the future I will give you more of my blood," he said. "Right now assuming you survive I think you will probably be about as strong as a Lower Moon maybe?" 

          "Agh," I grunted in pain. 

          "Oh yeah one more thing, My name is Tanjiro Kamado." The man said in response to my pain. "Should you ever say my full name yourself you will suffer immensely and eventually die. So avoid doing that, Suishozan let him go we are leaving now." 

          "Right away sir," the man holding me said before dropping me to the roof. I looked up with teary eyes and watched as they all stepped into the Tatami door before it closed and finally disappeared.   

Breath of The SunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora