XXXII - Minor Annoyance

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Russia stares forward before he jumps at a ringing from one of the phones. Virginia picks it up before handing it to Nebraska, saying something that's covered by the sounds of the sewing machines.

Nebraska wheels over to Russia, handing over the phone. She says something to him, but he can't hear it.

He takes the phone and brings it up to his face.


"Hello," Soviet says, "a meeting is going on right now. You should be online."

"What's goin' on?" Dixie asks, looking up from the papers in his hands.

"We're supposed to be attending a meeting," Russia replies before returning his attention to the phone, "We will log in."

"Good," Soviet replies, "I will see you there." Then, he hangs up.

Russia drops the phone on the arm of the couch and Dixie shouts for a computer and for everyone to gather in the living room.

New York walks in, his hair ruffled.

'Was he sleeping?'

Dixie reaches forward before New Jersey pushes him back.

"No, we'll get you logged in."

Dixie huffs but falls back.

"What is going on?" Egypt asks.

"We have a meeting to attend," Russia replies, taking the laptop and holding it in his lap.

"I've got a table!" Ohio shouts.

Russia turns to see Ohio holding a solid wood end table over his head, walking into the room. Delaware is helping America to the couch, and America is put down next to Russia. America takes the computer from Russia's hands and begins typing, logging into the meeting room.

'I hope I don't hear any comments about being late.'

"Move!" Ohio shouts as California shuffles around him, pushing people out of the way.

"Get off of me."

"Then move yourself!"

Ohio sets it down in front of the couch before taking a step back. "That should work as a desk thing," he says, hands on his hips.

"Thank you, Ohio," America says, not looking up from the computer.

Mexico sits down beside Dixie and Phillippines sits on the floor beside the table. Egypt and Nigeria stand beside the couch and Finland sits on the arm. Canada sits beside America, fidgeting with his hands. Ukraine leans in, flicking Russia's head.

"Shut off the sewing machines," America demands, "We need to be able to hear the meeting."

Suddenly, all the room's ambient noise fades, and Russia can hear the computer's loading noise.

"Come on, you stupid thing," America says to the computer, tapping the table aggressively.

"America," Russia mumbles.

America grumbles something back, but it falls below the ringing in his ears.

Then, the screen is filled with video call boxes. Russia takes a quick look over them, and it's not long before the computer explodes with noise.

"Finland?" Sweden asks, "Finland!"

"What happened to your arm?" Norway asks, with horror in his tone.

Russia sees his father sigh with relief. He looks to the other screens and sees England with Wales, Scotland, and both Irelands, but not UK.

'Where is he?'

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