"Hey boys!" I chirped buckling my seat belt they just smiled or waved. Okay something's up because they are being too quiet and let's be honest they're never quiet. "What's going on?" I ask looking at each of them.

"We have news." Liam said smiling.

"Then stop with the quiet and start a spilling!" I said they still didn't say anything. This is starting to creep me out I don't like quiet boys I like the loud, crazy, immature boys. "Are you going to tell me..?" I ask.

"Yes." They all said in unison I smiled.

"Good now tell me!" I told them and still nothing.

"We can't tell you yet silly!" Louis laughed messing up my hair.

"Why not?" I whine.

"Because it's a surprise!" Zayn smirk.

"Well why would you tell me that you have news and not even tell me?" I ask in frustration they didn't say anything but smirk.

"Who was that guy you were talking to?" Niall asks changing the subject taking his eyes off the road for a second.

"Oh that's Mr.Matthews, he wants me to tutor his son." I said they all looked at me.

"TUTOR HIS SON?!" They all yelled as we pulled in the drive way I rolled my eyes and got out of the car going inside.

"Hey Maura!" I said grabbing a apple.

"Hey how was-"

"MUM!" Niall yelled cutting her off coming in the kitchen with the boys behind him."She's tutoring a boy!"

"You're tutoring someone?" She ask I nodded.

"Yeah Colin Matthews, his Dad ask me to as I was walking out of the school to Niall's car." I said.

"Yeah and I don't want my baby sister to be alone with a boy." Niall said crossing his arms.

"Neither do we!" Harry said gesturing to him and the boys I rolled my eyes.

"I'm alone with you guys all the time." I pointed out.

"That's different." Niall said.

"Well it's not up to you guys anyway." I said throwing the apple away and went up to Maura putting my arm around her shoulder. "It's her choice!"

"Yeah and I'm fine with it." Maura said I smirk at the boys.

"Plus what do you think we're going to do? Kiss? Because last I checked I have a boyfriend and I wouldn't ever cheat on him." I told them,"Well I have homework see ya later idiots and Maura!" I said running up to my room.

I opened my door closing it behind me and threw my backpack on my bed then went to my closet to change into something more comfy. I put on a pair of sweat pants and Niall's Crazy Mofo t-shirt that he doesn't even wear it hardly ever these days. Then I put my hair up in a messy bun. I went back to my bed and heard my phone buzz I pick it up.

I hear you're going to be my new tutor.

I saved his number adding him to my contacts and texted him back.

Yep! You heard right. How did you get my number?

Your lover Mason ;)

Mason is not my lover!

Whatever. I got to go if I keep texting you it'll ruin my reputation.

I gasped. Dickhead.

Aww how cute rich kid cares about his reputation!

Shut up!

Wow this is going to be fun.


"ALEXA! COME DOWN HERE!" The boys shouted from downstairs.

Ugh! What did they do this time? I swear if they started another fire or something I'm going to kill them!

"COMING!" I shouted back getting off my bed and went downstairs.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I stopped walking and froze. What the hell? They had the kitchen beach theme and the HollyWood sign on the wall. There's even some sand in a mini pool and a mini pool and they were all in swimsuits.

"What's going on?" I ask walking down to the counter slowly.

"Is that my shirt?" Niall asks pointing to his shirt.

"Yep! Now what's with the swimsuits and beach theme?" I ask.

"Well you know how we're going to LA?" Louis asks I nodded my head.

"Yeah and you guys told me that you you would find out if I could go with you-" I stopped talking realizing what's going on. "Oh my god no freaky way!" I squealed.

"Yes freaky way!" They mocked doing their best girl voices.

"We also got your friends and parents VIP back stage passes with VIP seating." Liam said handing my the tickets.

"I also got some for that family you babysit." Harry said I smiled at him as he gave me the tickets and the boys looked at us confused.

"What family?" Niall asks confused.

"I've been babysitting this family since I was 12. They have two girls and a boy." I said.

"One of the girls are also in a wheelchair." Harry added.

"Thank you!" I said giving him a hug.

"Harry why is it that you know more about my sister then I do?" Niall asks Harry just shrugged.

"Because he's nosy!" I said Harry playfully glared at me I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Now that you know..IT'S TIME TO SWIM!" Louis shouted getting in the baby pool.

"Lou you know that there's a pool outside right?" I ask lifting a eyebrow at him.

"Oh yeah!" He said running to the pool. The others followed him and I stood there smiling at them my brothers/best friends even though they can annoy the crap out of me

"You coming?" Harry ask cutting me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm just gonna put on a bathing suit." I told him he nodded and went outside.


Hey guys!

I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I got stuck on what to write so yeah. Anyway I hope you like the chapter and I promise I'll update soon!

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