Josie felt sick just thinking about the thought of betraying Hope. She was too much in love with Hope to even think about that shit.

"Don't worry, she can't force you to do that. Besides, she's not even the actual co coach." Josie heard a voice before she turned around and was met in the presence of her sister in law. "You didn't miss me too much, did you?" Nicole smiled before Josie ran and gave her a hug.

It had been so long since they'd seen each other and it was actually surprising since they had lived only 2 hours away from each other at some point.

"How are you?" Josie asked as they rocked back and forth in the hug.

"I'm amazing. I've been trying new things and I even got engaged too." Nicole pointed out as Josie pulled back and clapped; squealed for her, "you know him very well."

Josie palmed her face, "don't tell me it's Mg,"

Nicole crossed her arms, "I guess I won't tell you then." Nicole shrugged.

Josie smiled and chewed at her bottom lip, "I'm so happy for you guys! I can't wait until the party because I'm going to be there."

"I actually wanted to know if you could be my bridesmaid." Nicole said in a teasing voice as Josie nodded her head really fast as she tackled the girl into another hug. "I take this as a yes."

"Definitely!" Josie smiled

"Great, now I just have to ask Hope to be my maid of honor. Where is that short devil anyways?" Nicole asked as she looked around.

Josie frowned, "she's still at S.P.U. She stayed to finish her degree and then she'll join me."

"That's amazing. So how are you guys going to do the whole parenting thing seeing as you are 6 hours away and a newborn can't travel at this stage."

Josie raised her eyebrow, "We are having kids when we are both able to be in each other's presence." The brown haired girl assured.

"So what are you going to do with this one? Give it away?" Nicole joked, she was smiling until she saw the confusion from Josie. "I'm guessing she didn't tell you."

"Tell me what."

Nicole looked over at the coach, "What's that? Coach, you called me?" Nicole faked as she rushed away from Josie.

Josie glared before sighing.


Josie arrived back in her hotel room and she was exhausted.

She needed to call up Hope before she went to sleep.

That's what they did every night and that's what they would continue to do. It was something they did to secure their relationship.

Josie tossed her bag to the side as she took her phone out and called up her wife.

"Hey, Shorty.." Josie smiled as she heard the phone line click.

"Hey baby, how was your day?" Hope was breathing heavily. She was out of breath from just getting up to use the bathroom.

—"It was weird. I ran into someone from the past and they pissed me off and then I ran into your sister. She's engaged."

Hope smiled, "Really? That's wonderful."

"Yeah, and funnier story, she thinks that we're having a baby right now." Josie says before she chuckled a bit.

Hope cleared her throat, "Yeah, funny story—I'm tired, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Wait I didn't even get to ask you how was your-" the phone line clicked and Josie looked at her phone weirdly. "day."

Her hidden star (hosie version)Where stories live. Discover now