V1 - C6: Elite school "Stumblings"

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In the dead of night, a the being with two faces  was walking along a path near a cliff. The moon was shining in the sky and the wind was blowing hard, shaking the trees and making an eerie noise.

Was a being and tormented , tormented by his own inner demons. He walked aimlessly, lost in his thoughts and worries. Suddenly, without realizing it, he tripped over a stone and lost his balance, falling into the abyss.

As he fell, he felt a mixture of fear and relief. She had been fighting her own demons for years, and the thought of falling into the abyss seemed like a release.

But when he reached the bottom of the abyss, everything changed. Instead of finding the death he had sought, he found himself in a dark and gloomy cave. The walls were covered with moss and the humidity of the place reached his bones.

As he explored the cave, he realized that he was not alone. A strange being with a penetrating gaze was watching him from the darkness. Tried to run away, but the being caught up with him and dragged him back to the cave.

Since that day, the being with two faces disappeared without a trace. Some say that the strange being devoured him, while others claim that became a slave to the being and accompanies it in its darkness.

No one knows what really happened, but the legend of the being with two faces who fell into the abyss remains a dark and mysterious story.


Third Person POV


Walking down an empty corridor with slow steps looking from left to right were two people.

Each is dressed in office worker uniform.

— Hey, did you find anything?

— No.

They were in a place similar to an abandoned school.

— This school closed a month ago recently...

I speak for himself the man (investigator) to his partner.

The other person also responded.

— Yeah. The director, the students all disappeared.

After those few words they continued walking investigating every corner in detail.

Among the silence, the only thing that resonated in the place were the slow steps of the men.

The full moon was at its peak, bathing their bodies in white light through the window.


They heard a creaking noise as if that of a door.


In a corridor to the right, a door opened as if waiting for its visitors.

It could have been the work of the air.
But the windows were closed.

— What?

— Hey, get your flashlight out.

The second man nodded nervous putting his hand right pocket pulling a flashlight out of it.

The men were alone with a flashlight slowly approaching their bodies to the place of the sound.
They were in front of the open door.

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