Chapter 12: Juniper

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After I left the car mechanic with my car, I took the long way back home.  I noticed that the trees were just starting to grow buds. New beginnings.  I wish I could have a new beginning but, I mean, it's life.I pulled into the apartment's parking garage.

"Hey! Uh, Juniper!" I turned around and saw Edward walking towards me waving something in the air.  My wallet.  "You left your wallet at the car mechanic."

"What? Oh, did you know...?"  I said, annoyed that he had followed me all this way, but still relieved because I had a bunch of cash and my ID in there.

"My dad owns the car mechanic place so I go there often," Edward said shrugging like it was no big deal.  "And...I kinda know you live here after...that day..."

My eyes widened.  "Your dad owns that place?"  That car mechanic was one of the best and most widely noted in the nation.He nodded, and handed me the wallet."Thank you," I said as I turned around.Then I stopped and saw him standing there, shuffling his feet awkwardly."Do you want to have dinner with me and my...friend?"  I blurted out.  I don't know why I said that but I did.

"Look, I-uh, Juniper, If I came across kind of aggressive yesterday, I didn't mean to, I just thought your mom was very nice and I thought of the suicide note some more.   First of all, she wrote "Goodbye cruel world."  That is so hackneyed."

"Yup," I replied.

An hour later I was waving goodbye to Edward and some person named Wes after watching a terrible movie.Harper grabbed my hand and pulled me over.

"What did you tell him Juniper?" Harper demanded.

"What? Who?" I said although I knew who she was talking about.

"You know perfectly who.  Edward.  He knows something's up."

"Well of course, I told you all about his suspicions."  I felt an eyelash land in my eye and I rubbed it.  My eyes started to water.  Maybe I was crying too.  "You have to stop this Harper, getting mad at me and all this, I didn't tell him anything...he already knew."

"That we-""Not we, Harper. You.  He's suspicious of you."

"I swear to God Juniper if you tell him it was me, you know well enough you were apart of it as much as I was". My face turned red. "You know Harper, if it wasn't for you, it wouldn't have happened. If you hadn't moved in that day across the street, If your mother hadn't made you play with me every, single day-. If you hadn't gone to our school, or been in Girl Scouts with me, or choir, or, or, -". I started screaming at her.  I felt my eyes watering, probably from that stupid eyelash, and I felt tears running down my cheeks.  I wasn't crying, I couldn't be.  Harper could not make me cry.  My mind started swimming, and I could see my mom smiling at me and laughing, and I couldn't take it anymore.

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