Chapter Nine- Harper

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Junipers gone today to go try to fix her car, so I have the day to myself.

I stood in front of the mirror, stroking my blond hair and pulling it over one shoulder. I didn't pack much clothes, so this was the third time wearing this sweater this week.

After Juniper finding me a total wreck the other night in her bedroom, she's changed. She bought me a new comforter for the couch, and even gives me rides when I need them. She was always nice to me, even when I wasn't. 

We were in kindergarten, and living across the street.

"Hey Harper", Juniper said running over to my yard. "What's going on?". She kneeled down next to me in the grass.

"Leave me alone will you" I said, rubbing my head.

"I was just asking what you were-"

"Shut up!" I yelled. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!", my face turning red.

"Harper, calm down". Juniper said wearily, backing away.

"Stop! That's exactly it, you're always trying to calm people down, you're never mad at anyone, you're always Ms. Perfect, who gets perfect grades, and a perfect family, and a perfect life," tears rushed down my red face, "well you just wait, you got a long life ahead of you and if you always let people take advantage of you, if you can't fight back, you're gonna end nowhere, you're gonna be a nobody and have nothing left-"

"Harper Rory Peterson, I am ashamed of your behavior". Junipers mother marched up. Juniper ran to her mother and clung to her mother's dress. Juniper was crying too, her mother rubbing Juniper's head. Juniper's mother glared at me. "Wait until your mother hears about this". She shook her head, then kneeled down so she was Juniper's height. "It's okay sweetie, don't let Harper get to you, she's just pretending to be mean, she was just having trouble understanding what you were trying to say" she said, stroking Juniper's hair. Then her mother whispered something I never forgot.

"She just doesn't understand. She's different than us sweety, that's all".

I braided my hair and slipped the hair-band over the end of the braid. After catching the smell of my sweater, I decided to go shopping for some new clothes. I took Juniper's bike over to Main Street, and locked it to a stop sign.

I stepped into a small thrift shop, the smell of dust and damp wood was overwhelming.

"Excuse me miss can I help you" squeaked the old lady in the corner of the shop.

"Uh no I'm good thanks, just looking". I said. I ran my fingers along the racks of different materials. I found a few shirts I liked, one sweater, and I even found a nice pair of Converse in the corner of the store.

"Is that it?" the lady asked.

"Yup, opening my wallet and handing her the money. She handed me the bag of clothes. "Thank you" I said on my way out.

As I was walking back to my bike, an old man sitting on the sidewalk stopped me.

"Excuse me miss, can you spare some change". I tried to ignore him but he put out his foot to stop me. I looked down at him. "Please" he said.I flashed back to Juniper. She would've stopped, she would have had a whole conversation with him and then probably given him half her savings, and sent him off with a meal, a check, and a home.

I sat down next to him.

"Harper" I stuck out my hand. He took it.

"Roby" he held my hand again this chest. "But you see, my friends call me Robo" he looked at me to see if I understood. I didn't. "Robo the hobo". He said with a laugh. I giggled, he giggled too.

"Well nice to meet you- Robo". I said, he laughed again.

"Aah thank you Harper, a friend to laugh with is worth more than a million quarters". He smiled.

I looked at his feet, they were bare. "Here take these" I said reaching into my bag, I pulled out the Converse. "Take them".

"I don't know how well they'll fit, but they sure are stylish" said Roby, reaching for the shoes. "Thank you Harper" he said, gleaming the biggest smile. He made me think of Juniper, with her big smile she held on her face all day long, no matter what came her way. I had always wanted to feel and be like that, and I was starting to right now.

"Your welcome Roby".

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