Chapter Three: Harper

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Someone saved me.

I was pulled out of the fire by a some guy who was also in the intern program. Who knows who it was. Who cares who it was.

I know I should. But those few seconds I was laying in the smoke, I was tired with this world. After Juniper left me in Seattle, I had no friends (not that she even was a good one). After her mom died, my mom went crazy. Crazy is an understatement. She left. She left me, and Juniper.

And we were alone.

I'm in a hospital now. I have burns all over my legs and feet, I had forgotten to grab shoes when I left the apartment. I also forgot my wallet.

"So um," the Doctor murmured. "Who should we call to pick you up". The Doctor was tall. He had black slicked back hair and a moustache that looked like it was from a cartoon. "My mom" I said. I knew she would never actually come get me, I don't even know where she is. But I had a plan"Just um, could you leave me alone". I said, forcing a cough."Of course" he said leaving the room.

There was an elevator right across from my room. I didn't have a wallet so I couldn't pay the hospital fee. I had to get out. I ran across the room. Every time I took a step my feet would give out in pain.  They were coated with thick black burns. I ran faster making sure there was no one around. The elevator was slow and broken down, I ran out the door of the hospital when I got out and ran to the parking lot. There was a small bench surrounded by poorly planted flowers. I pulled out my phone. My name lingered next to the 'Call Juniper' button for minutes. I haven't called her in ages. I haven't heard her voice. I sorta miss it."Hey um Juniper... I just um, sorta need a place to stay".

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