As we got back to the tower and used the Magma Rock on the ice to free the door, The letters are worn and difficult to make out. But it's definitely the language of the High Entia said Melia. They look just like the lettering on Prison Island said Sharla.

If only we could... said Dunban as he walked to the door and it opened up, ... just walk inside said Dunban as we walk in. we saw a room, This place... i said, Something up, Shulk? asked Reyn.

No... it's just... I feel like I know this place i said, Deja vu? asked Dunban. I'm not sure, but... I thought I had it. I can't seem to recall... i said. Are you all right? asked Melia, What? Must be tired. Don't worry i said.

This is Ose Tower, Built by the High Entia to house and protect the Monado. The ceremony of seers was conducted here, It is also where the Homs found the Monado said Alvis. Wait, you mean...! i said.

Me and Alvis in the room where the Monado was, So this is where the Monado was kept? My dad took it from here... Have you always been able to see the future? You told me you are from a long line of seers i said.

Did you have the ability from birth? i asked, Once, I too came into contact with the Monado. Those that are to be seers must touch the Monado and a chosen few receive our power. That is the ceremony of my family said Alvis.

And the ceremony was held right here i said, Shulk, why do you think we can see the future? asked Alvis. I hadn't really thought about it, after I grabbed the Monado, i just saw things i said. Your visions are the flow of ether itself said Alvis.

Ether is the very source of our world's existence. Where and how much ether there exists now, and in the future, can be predicted. Therefore, in principle, the future of living beings such as us can also be predicted said Alvis.

And there is one thing that makes possible the visualisation of those predictions said Alvis, You mean the Monado i said. The Monado can disrupt the ether, allowing you to release certain powers. Which means? said Alvis.

My visions, under the same principle are there to disrupt the future i said, With no one to control the outcome, the future will never change. But what if someone were to disrupt the future? what then? said Alvis.

The future would be changed. Is that how Zanza planned to defeat the Mechonis? i said as Alvis nod to me, But why go to such lengths? What happened all those years ago? i asked. Did you think it was just a Myth? asked Alvis.

I used to only believe in what I could see. My home, my friends, the Monado itself! I knew those things were real i said. But when you took the Monado in your hand, you gained the ability to see that which was not meant to be seen said Alvis.

Are you saying I should stop? i asked, You are a fluctuation. As a fluctuation, you exist outside the results of your predictions, The more you accept this existence, the more malleable the world becomes said Alvis.

In fact, you have no choice but to accept it said Alvis, then in the morning.


We walked out of the tower, Good morning. Did we sleep well? asked Alvis, I can't feel my face or feet. What do you think? said Reyn. Reyn not tell truth! Reyn's snoring makes Riki think of Orluga! said Riki.

Oi! I don't snore! said Reyn, Reyn you do snore i said. hey i don't said Reyn, Sword Valley is just around the corner said Alvis as Dunban knows something off. We have followed Alvis for a while and as we walk in a clearing, we hear something coming.

That Mechon! said Shulk as we saw the Mechon flying in the air, as the Mechon flew by and it was the same Mechon as Fiora using. Is that the same Mechon again i said as Shulk ran to her, It is you said Shulk.

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