The Revalation Chapter... (Twenty-7)

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        "Jessica is pregnant."

        And with those three words, I felt my entire world break all around me.

Vincent POV

~Earlier That Day~

        I was flicking through channels on the t.v when the door bell rang. I really didn't want to answer it, but my mom wasn't here so somebody had to. I sat on the couch, silently hoping that whoever was at the door would go away when they realized no one was going to answer. Unfortunately, I was not that lucky. With a sigh, I heaved myself off the couch and went to answer the door.

        As I opened the door I was surprised by who was standing behind it. "Jessica."

        She smiled glumly and looked around. "Can I come in?"

        I opened the door a bit wider to let her in. She stuffed her hands in the pockets of her heavy winter coat and looked around the house. "It's been forever since I was here." she whispered to herself, as if recalling some sort of memories.

        I finally slipped out of my trance and realized what was happening. "What are you doing here?" I demanded.

        "Can't a friend come visit a friend?"

        "Yeah, but we're not friends. I thought I made that very clear the last time I saw you."

        "Now Vincent, that's not a very nice thing to say is it?"

        I clenched my teeth tightly. Anger was building up inside of me. Why would she show her face to me after so long. It's ben three months since then. My life has been perfect and with no disturbances. I didn't need her coming in and ruining everything like she did last time.

        "What do you want?" I spat angrily.

        "I'm here to apologize."

        I looked at her like she was an idiot. "Do you really think I want your apology? It's been way too long. I'm over it. What happened between us was a mistake. I made it very clear that I didn't want anything to do with you. So why now? After all this time why have you decided to come back and give me your weak ass apology."

        "In the last couple of months, I've done some thinking. I realized how screwed up my life was. I grew up without a dad to hold me and tell me he loved me, and that's probably why I am the way I am now."

        "What does that have to do with anything?"

        Jessica sighed and started walking around the room. "My whole life, I've ran through guy after guy, and that's mainly because I grew up seeing my mother run through guy after guy. I never realized it, but I'm a bit promiscuous."

        "No duh." I mumbled under my breath.

        "I've slept with half the male population at school."

        "Look Jessica, I'm glad you finally had this sudden epiphany and you've realized that you were a who- a bit promiscuous, but I don't see what that has to do with me."

        "I don't want my kids to grow up without a father. I don't want them to believe in a world where love doesn't exist. I know you don't want anything to do with me, but maybe you'll want something to do with your baby."

        Jessica unbuttoned her coat, and though it was very small, you could see the slight formation of a baby bump on her stomach. My eyes went wide and My stomach sank to the deepest prt of my body. She was pregnant and I was the father. I'm not ready to be a dad. What will my parents think. What will Rose think. Oh God, she'll never forgive me for this. She's going to break up with me.

        "I think I need to sit down." I mumbled and took a seat on the couch. The t.v. was still playing lowly in the background, but it was the last thing on my mind. I couldn't bring myself to believe it. Jessica was pregnant with my baby. A part of me was living inside of her.

        I would have to put my hate for Jessica behind me, because she was ringing my kid into this world. There was no way I was going to be a dead beat, and abortion was out of the question. Adoption was always an option, but I couldn't see myself doing that. I've visited an orphanage with my mom before, and it was probably one of the saddest places I've ever been to. I couldn't see myself sending my flesh and blood there.

        I'd have to drop out of school and get a real job. Oh God, what are my parents going to say. My mom might be more accepting than my day. If he decides not to disown me, he'll probably want nothing to do with the baby. Besides, if I was going to have a child, I want to take responsibility for it. I don't want my parents paying for everything. This was my mistake and I need tot take responsibility for it.

        What do I tell Rose? How do I tell Rose? She's going to hate me. I can just feel it. I think I'm about to have a mental breakdown. My whole body was shaking furiously and I couldn't decipher if it was from fear, anger or sadness. It was probably a combination of all three.

        I didn't even notice that Jessica came and sat beside me. She was rubbing small circles in my back and trying to calm me down. I was a wreck. Tears were falling down my face and I started to sob uncontrollably. I can remember two incidences in my life where I cried. The first was back in grammar school when my pet fish chuckles died. The second was when while I was twelve when my Nana died. She was the world to me and her death had taken a toll on me, but even then, I only cried one time.

        I'd grown up my entire life thinking tears were unmanly, and even till this day I still believe the same thing, But some things are worth crying for. This was one of them. I had my whole life ahead of me, and I ruined it with one small mistake.

        I let my face fall into my hands and I let out another whimper. I was pathetic. I needed to pull myself together. What's done is done. I can't change the mistakes of my past. All I could do is deal with them. I would cry for now; give myself this single moment. But after this I will count my blessings and do whatever I need to for this baby. I'll tell Rose and I'll tell my parents. Nothing good will ever come form hiding something like this. I might as well deal with it all at one time...


Hello My beautiful luvies!!!! Did you miss me???? I missed you guys!!! Okay, so I'm looking for a REALLY good completed story to read so if you have any suggestions just post them on my wall and I'll be mire than willing to check it out!

Can you believe that Jessica is preggers?!?!?!?!? I was shocked myself... jkjkjkjkjk I had this planned from the beginning *sigh* this story is almost over... Only a couple more chappies left. I have to say, I'm kind of sick of writing this articular story. It has A LOT of flaws that I want to fix. I'll do it eventually.

Okay so Idk if I've said it yet, but I'm a MAJOR belieber!!! I absolutely adore Justin Bieber. When I first started writing I used to write JB fan fiction stories. So yesterday, when I was looking at some since I haven't read any in YEARS I realized how cheesy they all were. It kind of made me want to write my own... idk yet, I already have the entire story written out chapter by chapter, but idk of I want to post it.. What do you guys think???

I'm rambling so peace luvies!!

NEXT UPDATE: idk I have exams next week so I have to study ;(

Dedication goes to: alexistqy ;) She's the reason I posted so thank her


The Art Of Seduction(Slowly Editing...)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ