Chapter 38

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"Pebblenose, please!"

    A few days had passed since the announcement that Ashstar was dying, days that blew by in a blur of confusion, denial, and exhaustion for Redblaze. He spent every waking moment finding work to distract himself from reality, but it usually didn't work. If anything, though, his productivity was helping his Clan.

    Now it was a very cold evening, and ugly clouds were stirring in the sky, blocking the view of Silverpelt, and cold winds whipped across RiverClan territory. It was around sunset, though Redblaze couldn't see the sun through the clouds, but the Clan was beginning to settle down for another disturbingly cold night. Mudpelt was pleading with Pebblenose in the middle of camp, catching the attention of the nearby cats, including Redblaze.

    "I told you, Mudpelt, I'm fine!" the fluffy white she-cat protested.

Redblaze could see love and fear alight in Mudpelt's amber eyes. "I just want you to be safe!"

    "What's going on?" Birchclaw strode across camp, the wind slicking his fur to his body. Snowflakes were beginning to fall yet again and Redblaze knew the sky was about to unleash the fury of leaf-bare on them.

    Mudpelt sighed indignantly, turning to the deputy. "I want Pebblenose to go ahead and move into the nursery; she's expecting our kits and I just think it's safe."

    For a moment, Birchclaw looked surprised. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Pebblenose. "I've only just found out! The kits won't be here for another couple of moons!"

    Mudpelt softened and padded forward to press his muzzle to Pebblenose's. "I know," Redblaze heard him murmur. "But I don't want you getting sick."

    "I think it's a good idea," another voice spoke up, and Redblaze turned to see Nightwhisper. "It's your choice, Pebblenose, but I think it would be wise to move to the nursery. That way you can stay warm and healthy and reduce your risk of catching greencough. We have too many sick cats as it is."

    Not long after Ashstar lost his eighth life, Cloudsplash had become sick, followed shortly by Sweetstripe and Reedpaw. The medicine den was full, and Ashstar was still confined to his den as he waited for the sickness to claim him. Redblaze had to admit that he, too, was worried about the thought of losing more cats, especially able-bodied warriors and apprentices.

    Pebblenose nodded slowly, seeming to understand. "Okay," she said at last. "I'll move into the nursery."

    The snow began to fall thicker and was tossed around by the wind, and RiverClan broke up to take refuge in their dens. It was still early though, so none of the warriors were tired. So as the blizzard ravaged the camp and forest outside the warriors' den, they shared tongues. Twigtail, Bristlepelt, and Cherryheart were engaged in a conversation with Birchclaw near the entrance, while everyone else lay in a half-circle near the back. Redblaze listened as Tawnyclaw spoke, reminiscing on his younger days when Ashstar was still a warrior.

    "He and his brothers were made warriors just shy of two moons before me," he said, a wistful look on his face. "The three of them were inseparable, and fearless warriors. They could have protected the camp from a horde of warriors all on their own."

    Redblaze thought Tawnyclaw sounded like an elder for a moment, and it actually made him feel a little sad. Despite what the two of them had gone through, Redblaze really looked up to Tawnyclaw, and he knew that the senior warrior was getting older. It showed more and more with each day.

    Redblaze laid his head on his paws and shut his eyes, listening to his companions, each telling stories that bounced off each other's. This was the kind of closeness he had not felt in his Clan in many moons, and it was a feeling he wanted to last forever. He felt Sorrelstream scoot closer to lay next to him, and her sweet voice adding to the conversation eventually lulled Redblaze into gentle sleep.

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