Chapter 35

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 Ashstar and Birchclaw's conversation stopped abruptly. The two toms looked at Redblaze with mixed expressions; Birchclaw seemed shocked and confused, whereas Ashstar's eyes held amusement, pride, and a hint of curiosity.

Birchclaw's brow furrowed. "Redblaze- '' he began to say, before being silenced by the flick of Ashstar's tail.

"It's alright, Birchclaw," Ashstar interrupted. His voice sounded strained, and Redblaze noticed that his pelt was a little dull as it hung to his frame. Gulping, he realized Ashstar wasn't quite as recovered from the accident as he had thought. Ashstar went on, purring slightly, "It took you long enough to decide that." He beckoned Redblaze farther into the den.

Redblaze padded forward and sat, and for once he was actually able to find the words he needed. "I've only just become sure of it," he admitted. "You told me to consider mentoring one of those kits, but I never really thought about it because I was so against it. But now I know there's no kit I'd rather mentor."

Birchclaw was listening intently. "I actually think that's a good fit," he meowed, sounding surprised still. "You both have spirit and strong will. She might be as good for you as you are for her."

Ashstar nodded. "Yes, I agree with you, Birchclaw," he said. Turning to Redblaze, he added, "They are still a month away from apprenticeship, but before their ceremony, Redblaze, Amberkit deserves to know about her sister."

Redblaze sat back, thinking. "Why?" he asked. "Why just her?"

Ashstar sighed softly. "The other two will learn in time. Amberkit is different, and I truly believe that she and Minnowpaw are of the same kind. She's heard about her sister but has never been told everything, and if you really want to mentor her, you'll be the one to tell her." He paused for a moment. "This isn't a test, either; I just think that, given your history with Minnowpaw, it makes the most sense that you're the one to tell her."

Redblaze's mind raced. He pictured Minnowpaw's face, her enthusiasm after a hunt or a good training session; he pictured her and Flamepelt sitting next to each other at a Clan meeting, and he pictured her still, sodden body lying in the middle of camp for vigil. He heard her cries of anguish at the deaths of her Clanmates, her fury as she killed the fox, and the genuine fear in her eyes as she was driven out of camp. All of this, he realized, Amberkit deserved to know. Ashstar was right. Seeing as he'd had such a rocky road overcoming the past few moons and the memory of Minnowpaw, Redblaze knew the truth would be best coming from him.

"Okay," he said to Ashstar at last, nodding. "I'll tell her. I'll tell her everything." He couldn't fight the purr that rose in his throat as he stood and turned to leave. "Thank you," he meowed, more sincerely than anything he'd said for a long while.

"Redblaze?" Ashstar called behind him. He turned briefly to see his leader and Birchclaw staring after him, beaming with pride. "We're very proud of you." Redblaze had no words, so he simply dipped his head to them, and left to find Amberkit.

The tortoiseshell she-kit was still playing with Sootkit in the middle of camp, rolling around and jumping in the little piles of snow that drifted around the dens. Redblaze saw that Ashflower had come out of the nursery, Ripplekit sitting tucked under her for warmth. He was amazed at how the silver queen always seemed to be one step ahead of him; her eyes were bright as she called out to her other son. "Sootkit! Come here!"

The two kits paused their playing, and the little tom looked a little upset. "Aw, we were playing!" He protested, but he began walking over to his mother anyways.

Amberkit started to follow, but Redblaze stopped her. "Amberkit, wait." She turned to look at him, cocking her head to the side. "I want to talk to you." He looked around for a good place for the two of them to sit, settling on a sheltered nook between the medicine den and the apprentices' den. "Let's go over here."

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