Chapter 26

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 For the next several days, Redblaze got hardly any sleep as he worked tirelessly to rebuild the camp. He went to the warrior's den around moonhigh every night and woke up before sunrise to confront a never-ending list of tasks. He and his fellow warriors put the camp back together piece by piece, reed by reed, clearing the debris and fortifying the dens against the weather. Meanwhile, the apprentices took up nearly all the hunting duties and assisted Nightwhisper and Silverheart with gathering herbs. Ashstar led several border patrols himself to help the busy warriors. Although it was tiring work, it was incredibly fulfilling as Redblaze watched everything fall back into place.

One evening, Redblaze finally had a moment to himself and spent it lying outside the warrior's den, munching on a fish, watching the sky slowly turn pink as a few stars came into view. It felt so nice to relish in one precious moment of silence, but knowing Redblaze, his mind was never silent.

He couldn't take his eyes off the stars, and wondered when the last time was he'd spoken to Flamepelt, in his head. When was the last time I even thought of you? He almost felt guilty, then stopped himself. I have to accept that you're gone. I have to live for my Clan, just like everyone's been telling me to. I think you'd want that, too, Flamepelt.

The sound of approaching pawsteps interrupted Redblaze's thoughts, and he stood quickly as Ashstar made his way to him. "Ashstar," Redblaze greeted, dipping his head with respect.

Ashstar returned the gesture. "You've been working very hard, Redblaze. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Ashstar."

"Tonight is the Gathering," Ashstar went on, looking briefly towards the horizon where the full moon was beginning to enter the sky. "But you won't be going."

Redblaze tilted his head. "Why's that?" he asked.

Ashstar sighed. "You've made a lot of improvement, but there's still some wounds that take longer to heal." Now his gaze wandered across camp to where Tawnyclaw lay outside the medicine den; he'd been staying in a nest there while the warrior's den was being rebuilt, where his wounds could be cared for. His scars were still painfully clear, and Redblaze wondered if they would ever go away. He immediately understood what Ashstar had meant; he hadn't become a better cat just by apologizing, and it would take a lot more than that to make up for everything that had happened in the last several moons.

Ashstar looked back at Redblaze. "As much as I want to, I can't let it all go so easily. I wouldn't be a very good leader if I let you off the hook just like that. So you aren't going to the Gathering tonight."

Redblaze nodded once. "I understand, Ashstar."

Ashstar returned the nod. "Plus, you're worn out. I know you want to be helpful, but you need to take it a little easier; RiverClan isn't short on warriors, so you can share the burden. It will do you good to get some rest tonight." With that, he padded away.

Later, Ashstar called the Clan to announce the Gathering patrol, and before long they left. Mudpelt promised to tell Redblaze everything when they returned, then he bounded off to join Sorrelstream and Pebblenose. Redblaze watched his friend's brown tail disappear out of camp, then rested his head on his paws. It didn't take long for his eyelids to grow heavy, and he couldn't fight it any longer and plummeted into sleep.

It seemed like only a moment had gone by when the rustling of ferns outside the camp roused Redblaze from his sleep. He lifted his head groggily as the Gathering patrol marched in. As he stood up and stretched, Mudpelt bounded over to him and leaped onto his back, bowling him over. "Of all the Gatherings you missed, it was this one!" he announced loudly. His amber eyes were full of energy.

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