Chapter 16

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I was sitting on the steps outside of school when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Kyle. He sat down next to me spoke to me while staring right at you.

"So you're not the girl I thought you were".

"What do you mean by that?", I asked looking at him.

"You lied, to an entire school, you faked who you are".

"And I have reasons, if I didn't fake who I am I wouldn't be one of the most feared kids here", I stated.

He looked at me, "Is that what you  want? To make everyone afraid of you, believe me, its not a good goal".

"Why do even care?!", I snapped.

I had enough of everyone saying I faked who I am, and hearing Kyle saying that just hurt on another level. I stood up with anger that could clearly be seen.

"Because you're a friend", he said standing up after.

That's it. A friend.

"I'll tell you something Kyle", I said walking down the stairs, "I don't want you're friendship".

He didn't say anything or even try to stop me. I kept walking until I saw Zach with his older brother.

"What's wrong?", Zach asked the moment he saw me.

Was it visible, how angry I looked? I guess so.

I shook my head, "I hate Kyle".

"What did he do?", I  growled, "I'll break every bone in his body".

" thanks, if that's what I want I would have done that already", I said rolling my eyes.

"Then what do you want?", he asked frowning.

"Revenge", I smirked and turned my head in the direction in where Kyle was still sitting.

A smirk played on Zach's lips, "Great choice, I don't like him much either".


"What's you're plan?", Zach asked after I finished eating the tub of ice cream that I found in the freezer.

"I didn't really mean it", I rolled my eyes.

"Bro, I even have the phone number of a hit man", he said and took put his phone.

"God that went too far", I mumbled.

But maybe just scaring Kyle won't be such a bad thing. I told Zach and he agreed. He called the guy up and said that we only need him to sacre Kyle.

To my surprise he agreed. And we decided to get the plan into action tomorrow after school.

 And we decided to get the plan into action tomorrow after school

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


The next day

The hit man, Tobias is going to kidnap Kyle and bring him to an abandoned building in which we'll be waiting for him. And after we know he's scared we let him go.

Once school ended I gave Tobias a call telling him to follow Kyle now. Time for me and Zach to go to the location.

Kyle's P.O.V

I swung my backpack on to my shoulder  as I walked out the gates of school.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I whirled around. A guy in his early twenties stood behind me.

"Hey man, I have a busy schedule so save me the trouble and come with me", he growled at me.

My muscles tensed as his grip on my shoulder hardens.

"Uh..I have to go home", I said nervously.

"Can't help man", he smirked and punched me.

I staggered back, blood dripping down my chin. I tried running but he caught me again and slammed me against a wall.

"Let me repeat, I'm busy today".

He grabbed me and pulled me towards his car. Once I was sitting in the back of his car, he got in and started the engine.

We drived for half and hour and the for the first ten minutes I tried yelling and everything but I gave up after a while.

There's no escape now, I know. The car stopped and I was harshly pulled our by my collar and dragged into a abandoned building.

The  building was empty with just a  chair in the middle of it. The man forced me down on to it and handcuffed me.

I slumped down and tried my best not to let the fear I felt show. Seconds passed and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Rihanna's P.O.V

"I got the guy", Tobias said walking up the stairs, "Was pretty easy to deal with though".

I nodded and turned to Zach, "Let's go".

The two of us walked down the stairs, the building was extremely quiet only the sound of our footsteps rang around the room.

I saw Kyle handcuffed, sitting on a chair, staring at the ground. I took out my pocket knife from the waistband of my jeans, which is wear I put it.

I certainly not gonna be using it, I  just need it to look dangerous. I walked up to Kyle and placed my right foot on the chair.

"Kyle", I said his name and his head whipped up.

"Rihanna, you- why are you here?".

"Let's just say, you wouldn't mess with me again".

He stared at me in shock. I held up the knife and ran my hand along the blade. Turning the knife over in my hands I  smiled, "Speak to me again  you're dead", I smirked.

Kyle opened his mouth to speak but thought  better of it and nodded.

I smiled and removed the handcuffs, "Get out now".

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