Chapter 11

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"What the fuck Zach!", I yelled pushing my self off him, "No I'm not ".

Max looked at me and back at Zach, "Prove it".

Zach sighed and then did a very unexpected thing. He grabbed me again and carried he bridal style down the stairs and out the door while I yelled and fought against his grip on me.

Once we were outside he out me down and I glared at him, "Why would you do that Zach!".

"One, because I don't want you sleeping with my brother and two, cause I like you".

"Y-you like me?".

He burst out laughing, "Damn you Should've see your face, h-hilarious", he said between laughs

"Whatever", I rolled my eyes, "I'm leaving".

"Wait", he said finally when the laughter stopped, "I'll drop you off, give me one second", he said and went indoors.

A minute later he was back and this time he had a shirt on.

"Why are you dropping me home when I have my bike?", I asked walking to it.

"Then I'll get a chance to ride it".

"Ugh fine", I said and climbed on to back while he sat on the front.

I realized then that we had only one helmet so I offered it to Zach but he refused.

"You wear it", he said turning around and putting it on for me.

"But then what about you?", I asked leaning forward as the bike roared to life.

"I'll be fine, now hold on".

I slid my hands around his waist and sat there awkwardly as he drove away. I was beginning to feel sleepy so I rested my head on Zach's  back and closed my eyes tightening my grip on him.

Zach's P.O.V

I smiled to myself as I felt Rihanna rest her head on my back. It felt surprisingly good. I got her home in no time and turned around to face Rihanna. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping or almost sleeping I didn't want to disturb her.

I took off the helmet slowly and removed her hands from around me. I carried her indoors for the second time today. But unfortunately two other girls were sitting on the couch in the family room.

They gaped at me and at Rihanna who was now sleeping.

"Umm..Where's Rihanna's room?", I asked.

"I'll show you", the girl with black hair said standing up and walking up the stairs.

If Rihanna didn't have all those tattoos and piercings she would actually look a lot like her. I wonder if she ever regrets getting those tattoos. The girl-who said her name was Emlyn took me and to Rihanna's room and I layed her down on her bed.

As I turned around to leave I heard a click and the door was closed. I rushed towards it tried opening it but it was definitely locked.

What am I gonna do now?

I yelled at Emlyn but no reply and that only made Rihanna wake up. She too yelled but got the same responses nothing.

We gave up and she sat down on her bed. I sat next to her and smiled, "I'll stay over?".

She looked up at me and smiled back, "Yeah I guess...".

She layed down on her bed but I sat there not sure what to do. She patted the space next to her, "Lay down Zach".

Damn the way she says my name is enough to turn me on. I gulped and layed down next to her trying not to make eye contact but that was pretty hard since Rihanna kept staring at me.

"What?", I asked and she shook her head.

"Dirty thoughts?", I asked and she blushed so that means that was what she was thinking about.

"What are you thinking about?", I asked moving closer to her, "Be honest".

"A-about you, s-shirtless", she confessed and I laughed.

"If that's what you want", I said and took off my shirt.

Throwing it on to the ground I wrapped my arms around Rihanna, "Happy now?", I asked and noticed her staring at my lips.

"What now?", I asked smirking and she shook her head.

I had an idea about what was possibly go inside her head so I leaned down and placed my lips on hers.

Rihanna's P.O.V

I gasped as Zach's lips made contact with mine and as he pulled me closer. My body melted against his and the kiss got more intense. It was full of love and passion and for once Zach was all that mattered to me. My lips were numb from kissing him for so long but I didn't want to stop.

But Zach pulled away and he looked as surprised as I did.

"Sorry I didn't mean to do that", he apologized his eyes wide with shock.

I buried my face into the crook of his neck, "It's fine, I liked it", I mumbled against his skin.

"Sleep tight Rihanna", he said and placed a kiss on my head.

I couldn't sleep obviously since I was thinking about the kiss. But....I shouldn't. I know it means nothing to Zach like it does to me. Sure its not my first kiss but it's the first that felt real, the first in which I felt love and not just the need for sex.

But why do I think so much of one kiss when I've had many? Why do I think about a kiss that means  nothing to the person I shared the best kiss I had with?

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