Chapter 7

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"Sorry Kyle", I apologized, "I thought you were someone else".

"Bet you thought I was Zach", he spoke, "You really have something against that guy".

"Wouldn't you if he's a total jerk", I said rolling my eyes at the thought.

Just then Zach walked past us, "Keep your thoughts to yourself", he said.

"Don't eavesdrop on others conversations", I shot back.

He scoffed and walked away and I turned back to Kyle, "See a jerk".

He laughed and nodded, "Got you point".

"Good, so wanna sit with me and Amy?", I asked as the two of us walked to the cafeteria.

"Ok", he answered.

I found Amy sitting at our usual table so I sat down next to her with Kyle.

"Oooh, Kyle why are you here?", she asked knowing that I liked him.

"Umm.. Rihanna invited me to sit with you guys", he said looking at me with a confused look to which I answered with a shrug.

Amy smirked at me and stood up, "I gotta go, got a few things to do".

With that she walked off and I turned back to Kyle, "Ok that was weird", he said.

"I've seen worse".




I was walking to my motorbike after school when Carla walked up to me.

"What do you want?", I asked.

"Jeez chill, I just wanted to tell you that tonight I'm having at back to school party and you are definitely invited".

"What about Amy?", I asked crossing my arms.

"Well she too".

"Then I'll be there", I said putting on my helmet and climbing on to my bike before speeding.

As soon as I got home I went to meet Emlyn and Olivia who were sitting under a tree in the back yard. They smiled at me when I stepped outside and signaled me. I walked up to them and plopped down next to Emlyn, "Got a party tonight", I said.

"Amazing, we'll help you get ready", Emlyn replied her eyes lighting up.

" thanks I'll be fine, anyway I gotta tell Amy too", I said standing up, "Bye".





I was ready, waiting for Amy and despite me refusing Olivia and Emlyn still picked out my outfit and everything. I wore something that looked like a sports bra with a black skirt and a purple and blue neon colored net cover up which I tucked into the skirt.

 I wore something that looked like a sports bra with a black skirt and a purple and blue neon colored net cover up which I tucked into the skirt

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I saw Amy walking along the drive-way to the front door where I was standing. I waved to her and walked up to my bike in the garage. She followed me there too.

"Um...we riding this thing?", she asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?", I asked.

" know how to ride it right?".

"Duh, I drove it school, now get on", I said jumping on to the bike and putting on my helmet.

Amy climbed on behind me and put on the helmet I handed her. I don't need the directions to know where Carla's house is, I've been there many times when we were friends. And I can definitely say I don't miss those days. We arrived in no time and we heard music blaring from inside and sound of drunk teenagers yelling and singing.

"See Amy", I said getting off the bike and taking off my helmet, "I can drive this thing".

"Yeah you can, I was terrified we would crash", she replied shaking her head walking inside.

I followed her inside and I saw Carla and Lola walking towards me. I decided to act like I didn't see them. I walked up to Kyle and tapped his shoulder, "Hey Kyle, having fun?".

"Oh's better now, you're here", he said smiling.

"Heyy Kyle", I heard Carla say sliding up to him, "Wanna dance?".

" thanks Carla", he answered.

She frowned and walked away and Kyle turned back to me, "Sorry 'bout that".

"It's ok, so I guess dancing isn't your thing?".

"Oh I like it, I just um...don't really like Carla".

"So do you wanna dance with me?", I asked.

"Yeah sure", he replied.

"Let's go then", I cheered and dragged him out to the dance floor.

Kyle was a good dancer way better than I was. Most of the time he dragged me along to tune.

" Sorry I'm not very good at dancing", I said as I stepped on his foot for what seemed like the tenth time.

He laughed, "It's ok, it's more fun to dance with a person who can't dance well".

I smiled at him as the music turned slow, "I'm worse at slow songs".

He smiled at me and was going to put his arms around my waist when somebody knocked on to me making me stumble back. It was Zach.

"ZACH!", I yelled as he smirked.

"Nice to see you again pretty girl".

Yep he was drunk, he would never say such a thing.

"Whatever", I waved my hand signaling him to go away but he stepped between me and Kyle and grabbed my shoulders.

"I won't let a girl like you go", he said with a smirk and leaned in closer, "Shall we get out of here babe".

"Zach get off me!", I spoke taking his hands off my shoulders but that just made him annoy me more.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face in to my neck, "Let's gooo", he whined.

"Kyle, a little help?", I asked trying to pry Zach off me.

He frowned, "Shall we get him home?".

"Yeah...let's do that", I said gasping for breath.

Kyle pulled him off me and put one of Zach's around him and I grabbed his other, "Let's go".

"Zach, where do you live?", I asked.

"On the moon", he replied smiling weirdly.

I looked at Kyle and he dug into Zach pockets and found his phone and Kyle called his mom. After telling her everything we found out she was working a night shift in a hospital so she gave us the address. We took Zach home and found an extra key under the door mat. Once we got him up to his room and on to his bed and he started talking even more nonsense, Kyle turned to me, "What are we gonna do? I don't think we should just leave him here in this state".

"True, I'll stay till his mom get's home".

"You sure?", he asked.

"Yeah, you go back to the party or whatever".

"Ok then", Kyle said and left.

I sat down next to Zach on his bed and stared at the wall. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my torso, "Lay down next to me, I like you hair".

"What?!", I asked turning around but Zach pulled me down next to him and cuddled me.

"Sleep tight, pretty girl with lots of tattoos", he smiled.

"Umm...I-ok well whatever", I groaned and closed my eyes.

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