Part 106: The responsibility of a sister

Start from the beginning

"Hey, princess," Scorpius addressed, "out of curiosity, why is Lola here?"

"Melody has colic," Lily mumbled into the pillow.

"Ew," Scorpius gave a small hiss. "I remember when Tanner's little brother went through that. It was horrible for Aunt Daphne."

"Don't tell her that," Lily said with a yawn.

Scorpius chuckled. "Don't worry. I'm getting ready to head out now. I'll be home later." She felt a small kiss on her cheek before his weight left the bed, and she heard the bedroom door close.

Lily buried her face into her pillow, and brought the heavy comforter to wrap around her tighter. Another hour of sleep was all she really wanted. She'd get up after that . . . until she heard the persistent wails coming from the guest room.

Lily groaned loudly. "Fuck my life!" she grumbled into the pillow.

Lily shivered as she hurried into her building. Each day in January seemed to be colder, making Lily hardly want to leave her flat just to go out and Apparate to whatever job Brandon had for her. For the moment she was just happy to be inside as she made her way to the lift to bring her to her and Scorpius's floor.

"Wait! Miss Potter?" the doorman stopped her before she made it there.

Lily turned around as the doorman made his way toward her. She gave him a friendly smile. "Yes, can I help you?" she inquired.

"You got a message while you were out," the man told her. He held out a piece of paper to her. "He said his name was Hugo."

Lily unfolded the paper and easily recognized Hugo's quick and messy writing. "Lil, Lucy went into labor. We'll be waiting at the hospital."

Lily groaned. "Dammit!" But then she hurried to send the man another friendly smile. "Thank you very much. This was important. Excuse me." Then Lily was hurrying back out into the cold.

When Lily rushed into the hospital, she found a bit of a weird entourage in the waiting room. Hugo, her uncle Percy, and Zack and Tyler. Lily walked over to Hugo. "How's Lucy?" she asked.

Hugo turned to her and sighed. "Man, where the hell were you? It's been hours!"

Lily rolled her eyes. "I was at a job. Now how is Lucy?"

Hugo pulled off his at and smoothed down his hair. "She's ok. Zack and Tyler were making such a big fuss that all us men got kicked out of the room. Aunt Audrey's in there with her. Victoire got the information that she wasn't far from starting to push," he explained.

Lily looked at the two Creevey brothers. Tyler was pacing the floor, fidgeting restlessly. Zack was at least seated, but Lily thought that he looked ready to explode by the intense look on his face. She motioned toward them. "How are they doing?"

Hugo shrugged. "As good as possible for them . . . now. At first it was a big hassle."

"What happened?" Lily inquired as she sat down.

"Well, I guess when Lucy's water broke, Zack brought her here, then immediately went and told Uncle Percy and Aunt Audrey. Then at Lucy's request, he came and got me, and I went to go get you. He was supposed to go and find Tyler, but he didn't. Tyler came in like an hour later, pissed off. I guess word got around the ministry once Uncle Percy left, and Tyler found out through the network. So then they fought about that. Then they fought about who would stay in the room with her once the time came for her to start pushing. Then they got into the age-old argument on whose baby it was," Hugo listed. Then he sighed again. "It was a bit exhausting. I almost had to drag Tyler out of there once the healer asked us to wait in here."

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