Chapter 2: Jake's training/Truth to the Clan

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{Honestly this was so funny, and entertaining, seeing Jake train for His life, and learn the culture of the Na'vi, Their language of course, I helped to~}

[Lillian Pov]

*I giggled as Jake tried to bond with an Pale, or Pa'li in na'vi, keyword tried, failing quite miserably, as Neytiri grins mentally, She is enjoying doing I know for sure, She might think it's a waste of time, but I think They'll grow to like Him*

Lily: *as Jake fell again, and had mud on His face* Jake, is a work around, He'll learn...*I tell Her, She huffs a bit* Jake no need to rush, be calm, take breath, and stabilize Yourself, calmly bond and hold on...*He groans, getting up, as Tsu'Tey and His group of riders*

Tsu'tey: *Chuckles a bit* This fool isn't cut above it all, tch..haha....*I rolled My eyes, giving Him a glare, He looked an shivered* let's go!...*They galloped away*

Neytiri: *Huffs a bit at Tsu'tey arrogance* Again..*She tells Jake, He sighs nodding, getting on His soon to be pale* 

{Jakes training, went on, not with some bumps, but He made up for it, I was impress at His determination, seems like He was trying to impress Me, but I was a little oblivious to His little shows, keyword, little,  were noticed and honestly don't know if it's the female instincts, or the added Na'vi instincts, probably both, but I have these conflicted feelings towards three certain people...its hard...}

*I smiled as Norm teaches Jake the Na'vi culture and words, as I leaned back, with a fond look, I had these feelings, and I am so conflicted with them right now, I snuck away, to the pods*

Lily: *I looked over* 'BT, have You made it to the clan base?' *I asked Him through connection, He then spoke*

BT: *Hums in a robotic like voice* 'Yes, I am hidden, the Omaticaya aren't aware of My presence, I also brought the modified pilot armor, for Your avatar...' *I smiled nodding, as I walked to My pod*

Lily: *I looked over* Meet You there, don't be late!!..*I waved as I hop in, as I closed My eyes, feeling the pod shut*

*Soon My mind linked with My avatar, soon I opened My eyes, as I see in the hammock, I quickly snuck away and out the tribe, and went towards where BT is hidden, He can scan areas, where He can be hidden mostly, I looked around, seeing no followed Me, I nodded as I went towards an single glowing optic in the dark shade*

BT: *Kneels down* Lily..*I smiled hugging Him*

Lily: *I pulled back* It's good to actually talk to You BT, You okay?, no damages or trouble?..*I asked Him, He shook His optic*

BT: *He patted My head* I am fine Pilot, and I brought the armor as requested..*I smiled more, as I got the armor on, soon the armor realigned, to match My avatar, I grinned*

Lily: *I looked up at Him* Let's have some fun shall We?..*He gave a thumbs up, as I embarked Him, soon We are off cloaked invisible*

*Soon We flew into the sky, I cheered again, feeling the feeling being back with BT, as We flew high to the top of the tree, will no one will go to, I smiled as I see the land, viewing with awe*

BT: *Hums at the sight* Pilot, do You thing the Na'vi should know the truth about Us?..*I bit My lip, as I unbarked, and sat on top of Him*

Lily: *I hugged My legs, looking up to the sky* I am scared of Them banning Me if I do, They'd be scared of You, of Us...but Yes.. I need to tell them the truth...*I called out to My banshee, Tali the fierce, who screeched at the call, soon She came down*

*I called out to My banshee, Tali the fierce, who screeched at the call, soon She came down*

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