chapter 88 ↬ extra

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"Have you heard? Chu Dalang's son is back."

"Now the whole village has spread the word, who doesn't know? I heard that the Chu family boy became a general in the army."

"That Chu family back then When my boy was exiled into the army, his father had just died. He was not yet fourteen years old, and he was dark and thin. Now that he has returned home in fine clothes, he is tall and handsome, and I almost didn't recognize him."

"Isn't it? His grandma is too cruel. Chu Dalang's family is such a single seedling. I thought he must have died on the battlefield. I didn't expect that after so many years, he would come back suddenly. " Now that the Chu family boy

has returned to the village, he probably won't leave. I heard that he is still unmarried, and I don't know which one will be cheaper."

Grandma got Chu Qing who was sent to the army.

At that time, the Chu family had five sons, but Chu Dalang was the least favored. He got up earlier than chickens, slept later than dogs, ate worse than pigs, and worked more than donkeys. Even his husband was him. I bought it from the town with my own money.

Although the husband he bought was poor-looking, he was gentle, honest and diligent, and gave birth to a son for Chu Dalang in less than a year.

However, less than two days after giving birth to Chu Qing, Chu Dalang's husband was sent to work in the field by the Chu family's aunt. It's better to be more comfortable, but still no match for the deliberate and harsh treatment of the Chu family's grandma.

One day half a year later, when Chu Dalang went to the town to sell prey, the Chu family closed the door and beat his husband. When he came back, he found that his husband was lying on the bed covered in blood. On the bed, he had already lost his breath.

After the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, Chu Dalang knew that Fulang was pregnant again, but was beaten to death by his own mother's father.

On that day, Chu Dalang separated from the Chu family and took his son under the age of one to live in a hut on the mountain. Because he didn't get a field, he had to hunt for a living, and finally dragged Chu Qing until he was ten years old. , but was seriously injured by a tiger during a certain hunting, and died of his serious injuries within three days after returning home.

Chu Qing lived until the age of thirteen relying on the relief of the villagers. That year happened to be the time when foreign enemies invaded the border, and the imperial court was recruiting soldiers. In order to prevent her son and grandson from going to the battlefield, Chu Qing was tied up to replace Chu Qing. quota.

Since then, Linshan Village has never heard of Chu Qing again. They only thought that he had died on the battlefield. They never expected that Chu Qing would come back intact eight years later.

Chu Qing came back alone. When the Chu family heard the news from the villagers, they immediately found him, planning to make him pay the alimony that he owed for so many years.

However, Chu Qing was no longer the young boy who was bullied by others. He not only beat up all the Shen family with three punches and two kicks, but also said that if they dared to come to the door again, they would be destroyed.

So, in order to deal with Chu Qing, the Chu family grandma went to the county government to file a complaint, saying that he was disobedient and unfilial, beat his elders, and refused to pay alimony.

However, what the Chu family did not expect was that the county magistrate not only did not let the Yamen servants arrest Chu Qing, but also arrested all the Chu family members who went to sue and put them in prison, saying that they slandered the court officials.

Only then did the Chu family and the villagers of Linshan Village know that Chu Qing had become a high official in the imperial court.

The county magistrate locked up two or three heads of the Chu family, then released them, and threatened them not to harass Chu Qing.

From then on, the Chu family never dared to trouble Chu Qing again, and ran away quickly with their tails between their legs every time they saw him.

The things that happened in the Chu family and the news of Chu Qingyi's return to his hometown naturally spread to the Shen family, and at the same time attracted Shen Moyu's attention.

Last month, Shen Moyu was intercepted by gangsters in the town. Fortunately, a man dressed as a knight rescued him and sent him back to the village, so that he escaped unharmed.

In order to repay the young hero's kindness in the future, Shen Moyu asked the other party's name at that time, which was exactly the word "Chu Qing".

In order to prove her guess, the well-behaved Shen Moyu often went to the village, trying to meet Chu Qing by chance.

On this day, he went to Axiu's house to play as usual.

Axiu's full name is Pan Xiu, and she is a brother of the village chief's family. She has just engaged in a marriage, and her fiancé is a man from the next village. Although he is not very good-looking, his family is very wealthy.

Shen Moyu embroiders with Axiu with the embroidery, and discusses it from time to time. Next to it are the pastries and tea he brought from Shenjiazhuang. Because of Yang Xiuwen's lesson, Xiao Xing follows closely every day. Beside Shen Moyu, the two were sitting in the yard embroidering, and Xiao Xing was beside him helping to serve tea and water, telling a joke or two from time to time, which was also very interesting.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, Xiao Xing hurriedly put down the teapot, and ran to open the courtyard door, only to see a handsome and gentle young man standing outside the door, wearing coarse clothes, holding a rabbit in his hand, So he asked curiously: "Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The young

man said politely: "Hi, my name is Chu Qing, is the village chief at home?"

Open it, and said sideways: "You come in first! The village chief went to the vegetable field and will be back in a while."

Xiao Xing let Chu Qing in, and quickly turned around and shouted: "Young master, Master Chu is here!"

Chu Qing also Without thinking too much, he nodded and walked in, only to find that there were still two little brothers sitting in the yard.

Shen Moyu put down the things in his hands, and said: "What is it, Young Master Chu?" As he was speaking, he turned his head to look, and found that Xiao Xing was followed by a handsome young man, who was the young hero who rescued him that day, and immediately stood up in surprise Get up and shout: "Chu Shaoxia!"

Chu Qing looked at Shen Moyu suspiciously, thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "Are you that little brother from Shenjiazhuang?"

Shen Moyu took a few steps forward, with two dimples on his face, and said with a shy smile, "I didn't expect Chu Shaoxia to remember me, and I didn't expect you to be from Linshan Village."

Chu Qing also smiled and said: " I didn't expect that I would come back to this place again, Brother Shen can call me by my name directly, without calling 'Young Hero! Young Hero!'."

Shen Moyu smiled and said: "Then I will call you Brother Chu Go!"

Chu Qing nodded immediately without thinking too much.

Seeing the two having a happy conversation, Axiu couldn't help but move closer to Shen Moyu, and asked in a low voice, "Xiaoyu, so you know Chu Qing?"

"Yeah." Shen Moyu turned her head to A Xiu smiled and said, "I'll tell you later, didn't Brother Chu come to look for the village chief? Why don't you hurry up and call your father back?"

Axiu watched him rushing to send herself away, Helplessly nodded and said: "Yes, yes, I'll go now, it doesn't hinder your love."

Shen Moyu stomped her feet, with a bit of anger on her face, stretched out her hand to pinch him, and whispered Said: "Who is falling in love? Are you itchy?" Axiu hurriedly avoided and ran outside the courtyard gate, and

shouted: "Second Master Shen, spare your life! I will never dare again!"

Although the little brother muttered these few words in a very low voice, Chu Qing has always had sharp eyes and ears, so he naturally heard them very clearly, and couldn't help but secretly smiled when he heard them.

Ever since they met at the village chief's house, the two have run into each other in the village from time to time, and went shopping in the town together from time to time, and their relationship has become closer and closer, which has attracted many men and brothers secretly jealous, but there is nothing they can do about it.

One day half a year later, Chu Qing felt that the time was ripe, so she went to Shenjiazhuang to propose a marriage with the dowry. Shen Moyu, who knew the news, was stunned, and then ran out of the main room in a daze to eavesdrop. .

Chu Qing has been in the barracks for eight years, and has been promoted from an ordinary soldier to a general of Zhonglang. Now that he has resigned and returned to his hometown, he has received a lot of rewards. In addition to the accumulation of these years, his family is also very rich.

In order to marry Shen Moyu, Chu Qing emptied his entire family this time, just to let the Shen family see his sincerity.

The Shen family, who had known for a long time that the two had a close relationship, put Chu Qing to the test, got a few promises, and agreed to the marriage.

From then on, Shen Moyu and Chu Qing became fiancés.

In order to marry Shen Moyu, Chu Qing also spent huge sums of money to tear down the thatched cottage and rebuild it, and built a big yard.

After another half a year, it was finally their wedding day. The wedding scene was very grand. Chu Qing was riding a tall horse, Shen Moyu was sitting in a sedan chair carrying eight carriages, and the dowry was lined up from the village head to the village tail. The luxurious scene was enviable many villagers.

The life after marriage is as happy and happy as the two hoped. They are inseparable when they usually go to work in the fields or go hunting in the mountains. When they are tired from work, they go to the town to inspect the shops. But it was very fulfilling.

Shen Moyu was spoiled by Chu Qing once in a while, and he could do whatever he wanted. Even though he had several children later, he still kept a childlike innocence.

Even from youth to old age, the friendship between the two has not weakened in the slightest, but has grown deeper and deeper.

The author has something to say: This is the end of the episode, thank you for your support, and I will ask for another column collection at the end, thank you!

Web version: Yuyuan's column

Mobile party: Yuyuan's column

Thank you for your mines:

Jun Xiruo threw a rocket launcher Throwing time: 2018-04-04 19:44:54 Throwing a rocket

into the author's chrysanthemum Rocket launcher throwing time: 2018-04-05 19:12:02

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Linshui Wenxianyin threw a landmine Throwing time: 2018-04-09 10:06:21

Yu Feng threw a landmine Throwing time: 2018-04-15 21:32:30 Miracle

doctor threw a landmine Throwing time: 2018-05-17 23:27:58

Yi Xiaosheng threw a grenade Throwing time: 2018-05-21 14:08:16 Miracle

doctor threw a mine Throwing time: 2018-06-01 09:33:17 The genius doctor threw

a landmine Throwing time: 2018-06-01 23:39:13 The genius

doctor threw a landmine Throwing time: 2018-06-06 19:23:00

WiFi threw a landmine Throwing time: 2018-06 -10 22:14:13

WiFi threw a mine Throwing time: 2018-06-10 22:15:07

WiFi threw a mine Throwing time: 2018-06-10 22:15:25

Yi Xiaosheng threw it 1 mine throwing time: 2018-06-10 23:17:16 Momo

threw 1 grenade Throwing time: 2018-06-12 21:35:10

God doctor threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2018-07-05 23:19:39

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