chapter 60

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Shen Moli's leg injury was not serious, he didn't hurt his muscles and bones, and it didn't hinder his walking, but it was just a little painful. In addition, the wound medicine was very effective, and the swelling completely subsided the next day, leaving only a little pain.

However, the fact that he was injured and sent back by Yin Moshang still let the father of the sect master and a few juniors know about it, but he fooled him casually. After all, those disciples who bullied him had already been punished. I don't want any more trouble.

On the birthday of the Xuanwu Sect master, all the martial arts sects sent representatives to congratulate them. Even if the head master did not attend in person, he would send his own disciples or elders to congratulate him. .

"Qingyunzong sent a pair of golden phoenix glass bottles, a black iron sword, a thousand-year-old ginseng, and a thousand taels of gold..."

"Baifumen sent a silk harp and a thousand-year-old silk fan , A pair of snow lotuses from Tianshan..."


"Lingwumen sent a ten-thousand-year-old blood coral, two pairs of emerald glass cups, a copy of "Flying Sword Manual", and a copy of Qinglong Sword. Come on, two sets of golden silk soft armor, ten thousand taels of gold..."

As a top sect, Lingwumen must send congratulatory gifts that are the finale, and most of them are very practical things, such as the " "Flying Sword Manual", although it is a cheat book that Lingwu Sect has just obtained not long ago, it can be regarded as the treasure of the town in any small sect, not to mention the Azure Dragon Sword, it is one of the top ten famous swords in ancient times , ranked ninth, the golden silk soft armor is invulnerable to swords and guns, it will not be destroyed by fire, and it will not be soaked in water. Most people have money and can't even think about buying it. It can be called a priceless treasure.

There is also a long list of rare and rare treasures behind, although they are not as good as the previous gifts, they are still very valuable.

When the people present heard this, they couldn't help admiring the wealth and wealth of the Lingwu Sect. It was one of the best in terms of strength and financial resources.

Sitting at the front end of the hall, Shen Moli not only saw Yin Moshang, who was in a cold and dusty suit, but also noticed a young girl in her teens next to him. Shui Ling is a natural beauty, she talks very intimately with Yin Moshang, and she also acts coquettishly from time to time, and Yin Moshang's eyes are also very soft, and he is very fond of her.

Shen Moli easily guessed the identity of this little girl. She is the only direct disciple of Yin Moshang——Yuan Yuerong, who is also the heroine of this world. Instigated the heroine who killed the master with her own hands and kept the master in her heart as Bai Yueguang for decades.

Moreover, the most painful thing is that the heroine's face is at least 80% similar to his modern face. If you don't look carefully, it is exactly the same, except that the facial features are relatively softer by two points.

When Shen Moli thinks that his lover will be killed by the heroine, he feels very distressed, but now seeing his lover doting on the heroine so much, and the other party has been secretly in love with his lover since he was a child, he feels a toothache, and the food is not delicious. I especially want to take my lover away and tie him up with iron chains to lock him up in a small black room, where no one will see or touch him.

After singing the congratulatory gifts from the various sects, it was the turn of the elders and disciples within Xuanwuzong to present the congratulatory gifts.

Of course, the gifts from individuals cannot be compared with the gifts from sects, but they are also a heartfelt gift, and the venerable suzerain will certainly not dislike it.

Seeing that the rest of the cats were not too eye-catching, Shen Moli couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw that Yin Moshang gave away a cat that was not weaned in a serious manner, and the suzerain still looked helpless.

Moreover, when Yin Moshang sent the congratulatory gift, the originally dignified suzerain broke his merits all at once.

The others also stretched their necks to watch the excitement, and they all guessed what kind of gift Elder Yin gave.

However, they soon found out that they were pets. Although the voices of the two were very low, both of them were martial arts masters with amazing hearing, and they could hear their conversation clearly.

The next conversation is like this:

The suzerain held a basket in his hand, pointed to the inside of the basket, and asked, "Little brother! Is this the congratulatory gift from you?"

Yin Moshang nodded and said, "I think you should like it." The

suzerain looked incredible . He asked calmly, "Why do you think I will like it?"

There was a trace of doubt in Yin Moshang's eyes, and he said coldly, "Because I like it, so I think you will like it too.

" Asked why he didn't raise it himself, but insisted on giving it to himself, and refused in a roundabout way: "But this kind of pet is difficult to take care of."

Yin Moshang shook his head and said, "It's very good." The

suzerain finally said reluctantly: "Okay." Let's go! Don't give away pets next time, I really can't think of what to give, just give some banknotes, my yard is almost too big to live in."

Yin Moshang nodded, and returned to his seat with an inscrutable expression on his face.

Shen Moli straightened his head and looked up. When the suzerain handed the basket to the disciples beside him, he finally found that the basket contained a small kitten no bigger than a palm.

Reminiscent of the conversation between the two, I guessed the truth very well. If A-Shang gave a small pet every time it was the suzerain's turn to celebrate the birthday, the suzerain's yard would not be able to live in it!

I don't know whether Ah Shang gave a puppy or some other pet a few times ago.

After his birthday banquet was over, Shen Moli asked someone to inquire, and naturally he would know.

The presents from A-Shang are really varied, not to mention little milk dogs and cats, such as chickens, ducks, geese, tigers, bears, parrots, and magpies. There are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing he can't give. The key is his own yard. One of them was not raised, and all of them were given to the suzerain, and as the head of the sect who dotes on the little junior, the suzerain of Xuanwu sect really never refused.

Moreover, Yin Moshang, who likes pets so much, usually stays out of the house and rarely goes to the suzerain's yard. Shen Moli thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure out why.

I asked the sect master's father and learned that they will stay in Xuanwuzong for three days, so that the two factions can exchange their cultivation experience and learn from each other in martial arts, so they eagerly thought about it and finally came up with a way to get close to their lover.

It happened that my handicraft was not bad, so I made some supper and sent it to Ah Shang. The reason was to repay his life-saving grace yesterday.

Anyway, he had already stepped on it, and he was not afraid that he would not be able to find Ah Shang's place.

Shen Moli looked at the sky outside, it was about the beginning of the fifth century, so he came all the way to the big kitchen, borrowed the kitchen for two hours with a little money, and prepared to make a bowl of noodles.

After looking at the ingredients in the kitchen, Shen Moli was going to make a bowl of stewed chicken noodles with mushrooms.

He found a basin and rinsed it with water, poured flour into the basin, added an appropriate amount of water, and began to knead the dough. After kneading it back and forth dozens of times, he felt that it was almost done, so he poured a little dry flour on the chopping board, and then kneaded the dough. Put the dough on top, start rolling back and forth with a rolling pin, press the dough into a dough, roll it up and cut into filaments.

Shen Moli took out a piece of chicken breast left over from the birthday banquet, peeled off the skin, removed the fascia and deboned it, soaked it in clean water, washed it, dried it, chopped it into small pieces, and put it in a pot to blanch until cooked.

Then grab a handful of soaked shiitake mushrooms, wash them, and cut them into small pieces. Then pour the ready-made bone soup boiled at noon into the pot and boil, add the cooked chicken, shiitake mushrooms, scallions and ginger slices, and when it is almost cooked, put the noodles in and cook for a few more minutes. Put the soup and noodles into a large bowl and a small bowl.

The small bowl is for myself to eat, and the big bowl is for Ah Shang.

Shen Moli removed the firewood, put two bowls of noodles on the long table behind him, and turned his head to rinse the pot with clean water.

However, the moment he turned his head, a black shadow flashed past the window, followed by the small bowl of noodles that disappeared. Where the small bowl was originally placed, there was a miraculously extra money bag.

Shen Moli put the lid on the pot, turned his head to look, then looked stunned for a moment, and then roared: "Which thief stole my noodles?! I'm going to kill him!!!"

At the same time, a handsome man in white was standing on the roof with a bowl of noodles in his hand. He was startled by Shen Moli's roar, and he looked at the noodles with a hint of doubt, but he didn't stop. Instead, he held the noodles with a cold face, tiptoed, and flew back to his yard.

Judging by his appearance, he is undoubtedly Yin Moshang.

As for why he appeared in the kitchen in the middle of the night, it started from the fact that he kept sending pets to the Sovereign.

Yin Moshang liked small animals since he was a child, but he was impatient to take care of them. In addition, he was lazy, and he didn't like servants to come and go in and out of his yard casually. Every time he picked up a pet, he would hand it over to the elder brother to raise it, and he was only responsible for playing and rewarding it.

Therefore, this habit has been carried forward. Even now, he never raises pets himself, and in order to maintain his usual high-cold and unreasonable style in front of his disciples, he also takes advantage of the dead of night when he looks at pets. Take food from the kitchen and secretly go to the suzerain's yard to watch, or use grain to lure one or two back to play for a day or two, and then secretly send it back to the suzerain's yard.

The elder brother naturally knew it well, but let him do whatever he wanted.

Yin Moshang picked up a little black cat from outside a few days ago. After raising it for three days, he was impatient to take care of it. In addition, there was no one in the yard, so he was afraid that the little milk cat would starve to death, so he just took care of it. The congratulatory gift was given to the suzerain, but as soon as they left, they were thinking too hard, and planned to come to the kitchen to get some food to see the little milk cat.

Unexpectedly! He smelled a seductive aroma from the kitchen from a long distance away, and immediately hid in the dark to observe, and suddenly found that Shen Moli he met yesterday was making noodles.

Smelling the aroma, Yin Moshang, who was not hungry at first, clearly felt his stomach was empty. The moment the noodles were cooked, he made a decisive decision to buy a bowl of noodles with money and go back to eat.

As for why he didn't show up, but planned to take the sheep by hand, maybe in his heart, he felt that as an elder, he must be strict with himself, set an example, and not destroy his aloof image in the eyes of the disciples, so as to play a deterrent effect.

As for why he had such an idea, of course it was all taught by the elder brother!

The elder brother said that he is an elder now, he must hold it up, and he must be majestic, so that he can successfully fool the disciples. If he really wants to do something that does not conform to his status, he must do it secretly, and it is best not to let people find out .

Thus, the junior brother successfully memorized the teachings of the senior brother.

The author has something to say: I can't describe the attribute of this attack. 2333333

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