chapter 83

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After getting married, the gap between them has disappeared without a trace, and the relationship between the two has gone further, almost to the point where they are inseparable.

Ah Shang knew that he was born in a humble background and was blind, so he was more cautious in his words and deeds at the beginning, knowing that the elders of the Shen family and Shen Moyun were not too satisfied with his son-in-law, so he wanted to try his best to please the Shen family .

Although the Shen family was not very satisfied with Ah Shang, they didn't make it too difficult for him. With Shen Moli in the middle to mediate, life was barely passable.

Normally, Shen Moli likes to study for Ah Shang, or prepare delicious dishes to feed Ah Shang.

And Ah Shang also absorbed all kinds of knowledge very seriously, and he was obedient to Shen Moli, but occasionally he was disobedient, and several times he secretly learned how to cook, but it was inevitable that he bumped and bumped, and his hands were not scalded. It was cut, but fortunately Shen Moli found out in time and immediately banned him from entering the kitchen.

Moreover, Shen Moli knew that his lover used to go to the mountains to gather wild vegetables and herbs, and he strictly guarded against him going out. Without his company, Ah Shang would not even be able to step out of the threshold, not to mention picking herbs. It can only be allowed unless Shen Moli is with him.

However, Ah Shang didn't feel that he would lose his freedom in this way, but was very happy because Shen Moli was worried about his comfort, so he let him make so many rules.

Just after the two of them had lived their married life for a few days, their peaceful life was broken.

On this day, a few gorgeous carriages came to the entrance of the village, followed by a long line of servants and maidservants. After asking the villagers where the Shen family was going, they walked towards the Shen family manor in a mighty manner.

The concierge of Shenjiazhuang was taken aback, thinking that something serious happened, took the greeting card and hurriedly ran to report it to the housekeeper, it happened that Shen Moyun was not around that day, the housekeeper read the greeting card again after hearing the concierge's statement, Not daring to be negligent, he hurriedly went to the gate to meet people.

The housekeeper found that there were three carriages, the first carriage was a couple with gray hair, the second carriage was a middle-aged couple with a teenager and two dolls, and the third carriage was a couple The young couple brought a seven or eight-year-old brother. These people were wearing silk and jade crowns. They were tall, tall, and handsome. They were obviously not ordinary merchants.

Even the servants behind them are all refreshed, and their clothes are also made of high-quality cotton.

As the worship post said, these people are probably from the Yin family in the capital, including the former head of the family and the current one. Patriarch.

When the elderly couple explained their intentions, the butler didn't have time to think about it, and quickly welcomed everyone in, and ordered someone to inform Shen Moyun of the arrival of a distinguished guest, and then sent someone to invite the two elders of the Shen family.

The two elders of the Shen family happened to be in Shenjiazhuang, when they heard about this, they rushed over in a hurry, they drove all the servants out, closed the door and chatted for a long time, they don't know what they talked about.

On the other hand, in response to Ah Shang's request last time, and the two of them were already married, there were no more taboos. Shen Moli finally took Ah Shang with him when he went shopping in the town this time.

The two had a great time on the street. Although Ah Shang's eyes were not good, and he had nothing to avoid except spicy food, Shen Moli took his lover to eat from the street to the end of the street, and most of them were sweets.

When tasting, Shen Moli also asked his lover to guess what was in it. When he came across something interesting, he asked his lover to feel what it was and what it was used for. The other party deciphered it, and if his lover guessed correctly, he would give the other party a sweet kiss, no matter how many people looked at him, it made Ah Shang nervous.

This time shopping, Shen Moli not only bought some poems and books, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, but also bought several sets of shoes and clothes for his lover with great joy. He does whatever he wants.

The two of them wandered the streets for a long time, even having lunch at their own restaurant.

As for the Yin family's team, they left the town while they were having lunch, and successfully made the two parties miss the chance to meet.

When they returned to Shenjiazhuang, it was already evening. Shen Moli and the two of them drove through the village in a carriage. As soon as they arrived at the foot of the mountain in Shenjiazhuang, they noticed that the carriage stopped suddenly. They quickly lifted the curtain and asked, "Why did it stop?"

Xiao Ling, who was sitting outside the carriage, said: "Young Master, there seems to be a quarrel over there, and the voice sounds a bit like the Third Young Master."

Shen Moli thought for a moment, and said, "Go and see what's going on? If it's really Yu'er, quickly bring him back."

"Yes, my lord."

Xiao Ling quickly jumped off the carriage and ran towards the nearby grass.

While Shen Moli was waiting anxiously, Xiao Ling finally came back, accompanied by Shen Moyu.

Shen Moyu stumbled to the carriage and was stroked by Xiao Ling. While wiping his tears, he sat across from Shen Moli and shouted: "Second brother, second brother-in-law."

Shen Moli looked at him Glancing at Shen

Moyu 's messy clothes, he frowned and asked, "What's the matter with you? Who bullied you?" Very sad, but just didn't answer his question.

Shen Moli was a little worried immediately, and continued to ask: "Don't cry first! Tell the second brother what happened?"

Shen Moyu still didn't speak, just cried. Shen

Moli rubbed his forehead, so he had no choice but to ask Xiao Ling: "Xiao Ling, what did you see just now?"

In the woods, and the rest, I don't know anything."

Shen Moli already had a bad guess in his mind, and hearing the crying sound close to his ears, he couldn't help but scolded: "Shut up! Don't cry!"

Shen Moyu had never been yelled at by her second brother before, she was so frightened that her crying stopped suddenly, but she still covered her mouth and sobbed softly.

Although Ah Shang couldn't see it, he could hear it. Guessing that something bad happened to the third brother, he pinched Shen Moli's palm and said, "Ah Li."

"Don't worry, I have my sense of proportion." Shen Moli Li's anger finally subsided a bit, he sighed, turned his head and said to Shen Moyu: "Since you don't want to say it, let's talk slowly when we go back, you first think about what to say.

" At home, before Shen Moli had time to talk to Shen Moyu, he and A Shang were invited over by the elders of the Shen family.

Shen Moli knew about Ah Shang being the youngest son of the Yin family. He had expected the Yin family to find him so quickly, but he didn't know that there would be such a big battle. Landing all rushed over, showing how much the Yin family valued Ah Shang.

After Shen Moli brought Ah Shang to meet the Yin family, the situation became chaotic, before both sides had time to speak, Ah Shang's father, who had never met, hugged him and cried loudly.

"My son! Father Mu finally saw you, woo woo woo..."

Ah Shang's eyes were covered by gauze, and he hadn't recovered his light yet, and Shen Moli hadn't told him about his life experience. Being hugged by a stranger crying, of course, there is only doubt and confusion. I don't understand why a person who claims to be Mu's father suddenly appeared, trying to push him away to no avail, so I had no choice but to turn around and asked inexplicably: " Ah Li, what's going on?"

Hearing this question, Ah Shang's father-in-law cried even more sadly, "My poor son! It's father-in-law who is sorry for you!"

Shen Moli stepped forward, and Before he had time to speak, Ah Shang's father said tearfully, "Mo'er, he is your biological father, and I am your father. I'm sorry, it took me so many years to find you. Father made you suffer."

A-Shang had a premonition for a long time, but now that he heard the truth from the other person, he suddenly felt that the dust had settled, but he maintained an extremely calm mood from the beginning to the end, and only said lightly, "I know." ! '.

After a long time, Ah Shang's mother finally let him go, and Ah Shang returned to Shen Moli's side, holding his hand tightly.

After the emotions of the two elders of the Yin family calmed down a bit, the two parties sat down and finally had a chance to talk.

During the conversation, except for the second elder of the Yin family, everyone else introduced themselves. The middle-aged couple is the current head of the Yin family and his wife, and they are also the eldest son and son-in-law of the second elder of the Yin family. It was the family of the second son of the second elder of the Yin family. The teenagers and the little baby were all grandsons of the second elder of the Yin family, and they were also nephews that Ah Shang had never met.

From the explanation given by the elders of the Yin family, Shen Moli and the others knew that Ah Shang's full name is Yin Moshang, and that his real birthday is the eighteenth day of the sixth lunar month. .

Compared with the brief description in the original plot, the description of the two elders of the Yin family is more detailed.

It turned out that the reason why Ah Shang disappeared that year was because his mother-in-law Yin Linshi encountered robbers when he was taking him to visit his mother's family.

Fortunately, Yin Moshang's father, Yin Qicheng, learned of this time, and immediately reported to the officer and led soldiers to search, wiped out all the bandits and rescued Yin Lin, but only Yin Moshang's trace was lost. He was also murdered and silenced overnight, and nothing was forced out.

The husband and wife used various connections in the capital to find out within a year that the real culprit was the son of Marquis Taiping who secretly admired Yin Qicheng. The whole family of Hou Taiping was destroyed, and the son of Hou Taiping was interrogated.

However, it has been so long since the incident, although the real culprit confessed the fact that he secretly planned, but he still doesn't know where Yin Moshang was sent. After his people took Yin Moshang away from the bandit's lair, he ordered other groups of people to change hands several times, because he didn't pay special attention to Yin Moshang's whereabouts, and those servants who worked secretly for him were also wiped out. mouthed. Therefore, no one knows that those people were involved in the events of the year.

In order to find Yin Moshang, the husband and wife have not given up hope these years, and invest a lot of manpower and material resources every year to find it, but Linshan Village is too remote, and Yin Moshang lives like an invisible person in the village. He never mentioned his existence to outsiders, and even if he left the village, he would only go to the town to sell herbal medicines when he was not going to the market. In addition, Dr. Wan's pharmacy was relatively remote, so few people noticed him.

If Shen Moli hadn't deliberately asked Shen Moyun to invite Dr. Xu who had treated Yin Moshang from the capital, and Dr. Xu had doubts about Yin Moshang's life experience and reported the situation of Yin Moshang back to the capital. It will be verified many times to confirm the existence of Yin Moshang.

It can be said that without Shen Moli, Yin Moshang would have died young as in the original plot, and he would never have the chance to recognize the Yin family.

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