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[An update? Wow, anyways, here]

Jimmy's Pov.

I walked into Scott's house after seeing Owen and that other crow, Phil I think, walking away.

I walked into Scott's house, which was extremely well done! His house was more better than anyone elses house I've seen. I might be bias though, since I don't really have a home in the Attic yet. Yeah feel free to judge me, it's been more than 2 months since we first all arrived.

I walked into Scott's room, seeing he was still asleep. I walked over and looked at the bandages on him. It was truly weird, he got them on pretty fast, he didn't use anything like medicine aswell, just bandages.

I slowly moved my hand to the bandages on his left eye first. I didn't wanna do this at all, but I just wanted to make sure he was ok and safe now. Before I looked at what's under the bandage, I saw a few bits of, purple in his hair? Did he dye a few strands purple? If so then why would he?

I figured that I'd just ask him once he woke up. I didn't wanna wake him up just for a dumb question like that.

I finally unwrapped the bandage under his left eye, under it was, purple on his skin? He had purple on his skin, and some stars on the parts that were purple. It didn't look at all real.

I started questioning, what about his bandaged arm? I went and unwrapped the bandage from the arm, revealing to me a similar thing. His full arm was purple and a few stars were on it, fading on and off of him.

I need to tell someone this! I can't keep this a secret. I had thought to myself, about to put some bandages back on him to replace the others.

Oh, but why must you tell someone? I heard a familiar voice say in my head.

"Scott?" I said, turning around, seeing him awake, but not speaking aloud.

Can't you keep a small secret from the other rats? It's not important, plus, I can deal with this problem myself. I'll be safe and out of harms way if I deal with it myself. And, if you'd like, you can help me by keeping it a secret and helping me when needed! I heard Scott say, although, it didn't sound like my friend. I knew Scott, and he would ask for help when it's needed.

"But Scott! This is a big thing, we need to help you. I need to tell the other rats about this!" I responded after a few seconds.

I'm sorry dear Safety Rat, only I can heal myself of this curse. If I need anything, I'll tell you. I trust you to keep this a secret, right friend? The voice responded to me.

"Fine, I promise to keep this a secret between you and me only." I had agreed, holding my right arm up as I made the promise.

Thank you Jimmy, your a great friend to me. I'm going to sleep again, put some new bandages on for me. I heard the voice say, and saw Scott moving around a bit, falling back asleep.

I went back to put some new bandages on for Scott. I promised to keep what I saw a secret, and I would keep that as long as I could from the other rats.

"Have a good nap Scott." I said, leaving his bedroom and ended up back in the living room of his house. I heard one final message before leaving his house for now.

I will, thank you Safety Rat, I trust you to keep that promise. For as long as you can. I heard the voice a final time as I left through the indoor garden he had made.

[Word Count: 649

Total Word Count: 12,003]

A Life Before This One (RatsSMP Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora