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Scott's Pov.

I sat in the empty cage, I always hate being alone, anywhere. Even if it was for a Pantry run I didn't wanna be alone. Owen knew this so surely he would come free me. I looked under the Maid's bed, and saw 2 rats, Owen and Apo.

"Scott! What happened?! It's been so long since I asked you where you were." Owen questioned, as Apo was near the lever to the cage.

"I was, uhm.. busy!" I responded, it was technically a lie, but not a big one.

"Tell us the truth Scott, why were you so late?" Apo said with a serious face. He clearly wasn't messing around.

"Well, I, kinda, was in the garden waiting till I got Owens thought then saw the Gardener-" I started speaking, then getting interrupted by Apo.

"So you started being chased by the Gardener? But you were caught by the Butler" Apo said, unsure if I was saying the truth still.

"Not exactly, he said that the family needs an indoor garden and I kinda, came out of my hiding spot to help him..." I responded, and saw the two rats eyes go wide and look at me.

"Scott! Why would you go out and help him?! He could have trapped you, let you freeze, anything bad!" Apo started lecturing me about being more safe, but he wasn't Jimmy.

After maybe 2 more minutes in the cage, my timer was at 1 minute now. Apo just continued lecturing me, and had ordered Owen to not open the door and wait.

"Can you open the cage Apo.." I asked, as my head started spinning and I started getting a headache. I took a small glance at my timer, and it said 20 seconds.

"Is anyone freeing Scott?"

"Anyone there to free him quick enough?"

"Yeah one of us should go check and help"

"I'll go check quickly"

I heard many voices speaking at a time and started to go in and out of conscience, I couldn't even tell if Apo or Owen responded to me. I assumed the cage wasn't opened yet, as the timer was still going and was at 5 seconds. I said one last thing before being to tired to do anything else.

"Let me out-" I said, as I collapsed in the cage. Then seeing black and 6 words and hearing my own voice in my thoughts before completely going unconscious.

Smajor1995 fell out of the world.

(Pretty short chapter but worth the read to see in my opinion, and y'all probably hate me for doing that ending, but cya for now friends!
Word Count: 441
Total Word Count: 8,871]

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