Another Day in The Attic

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[Woohoo! congratulations on reading this, didn't expect to make something like this but here ya go!]

Scott's Pov.

I stood there, watching as the oddly familiar face of the person who was from a different universe came from, called Sneeg, jumped into the portal we'd just opened in the fountain from the garden. All the other rats crowded besides it alongside me, then a loud screech.

"Martyn! You pushed Krow in the portal! Why'd you do that?!" Owen, my best friend and the big rat who makes all the rules said to Martyn, one of the rats who didn't respect Owen or listened to Owen.

"Oh calm down! It should be fine." Martyn replied. All the other rats shared the same questioning look, unsure if Krow would end up coming back.

Suddenly, Krow appeared right through the portal. The portal that it just went through closed, by being covered in ice again, as it was winter still. It made a run from the fountain, seeming scared as if it had seen something through the portal. A few rats like Apo and Acho followed after it, to see if it was ok after literally experiencing being pushed into a portal and presumed to have seen the other side of that portal.

I stayed behind like a few other rats, and finally got to show some of them my newest invention called a 'Panic Box' after a long day of adventure. Some rats that saw my demonstration were interested like Oliver, and some rats that went to check on Krow we're back already. I told Oliver that this one was a demo of the final product of the 'Panic Box' and they understood. I told the other rats that I was going to go to the attic for a rat nap finally, a few of them followed me back there as they were also probably going to nap aswell or work on their houses. As a went into my house, I went upstairs into my bedroom, collapsing on my bed after being so tired.

I then pulled out the Nether Star that Sneeg gave me, it was because I apparently also reminded him of someone he knew from his world. I started questioning on what he meant, was there another me somewhere in the universe? Was there another of, everyone in the attic? That's a topic for another day though I thought, as a slowly drifted to sleep, forgetting the previous questions.

[Word count including a/n's: 416]

A Life Before This One (RatsSMP Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz