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So, here's the explanation for like chat, btw this has some major (?) spoilers to the last chapter.

So in the last chapter, the concept of the 'mind being chat' like how Martyn lost his 3rd life and the other rats knew and saw how he died. Basically, anything usually said in chat is in everyone's minds in this AU. So if you wanted to type in chat and say something like hi in the chat, then everyone else would have some kind of voice in whoever voice of who said that in 'chat'. If they wanted to send a private message, only the person they want to talk to hears them. I'll give you an example of it as if I was writing a short story.

[Note: This is actually canon that happens in the story, it's basically a short story.]

No Pov [3rd Pov.]

[Edit: I've only just realized that Owens observatory thing in rats wasn't finished yet during this time, but I'll excuse this because of the fact this is a AU and not exactly like RatsSMP. Sorry for this mistake friends! Hope I don't confuse anyone now-]

Owen watched the night sky from his observatory, as stars twinkled and flashed like small lights flicking off and on repeatedly. Then, he heard a voice sounding like his friend, Apo. He heard the voice of Apo say.

Hey Owen! I think we should hold a rat meeting sometime tomorrow, it's been awhile since we've had one. Some rats, like Lizzie and Tubbo, who are usually asleep who have no idea on what is new or what's around now. And along with that, some rats are busy and haven't seen each other in awhile. What do you say Big Rat that Makes All the Rules?

He then answered himself after hearing the voice.

Sure! Seems like a good idea aswell, plus, we have some new information now because of our last guest, Sneeg. We can have it hosted tomorrow, could you tell other rats in the morning? I'm sure they will spread the message.

[Usually you can tell the difference between whoever first sent the thought and who's responding to the thought, because it's bolded and italics for responding and italics for sending]

Of course! I'll get onto that in the morning like asked. Cya Owen, or, Big Rat that Makes All the Rules.

Bye Small Rat that Makes All the Rules.

He then got up from his observatory flood, going to his bed and falling asleep.

[End of short story, like I said this part is canon in the story.]

Uh, that's pretty much it, if I missed anything feel free to comment about it or ask any questions. Bye!

Word Count: 417 [Now bc of edited stuff:512]
Total Word Count: 3,886 [+Edit Stuff which counts for the total: 4,398]

[Edit: Quick thing I wanna add aswell, I'm going to count this as one of my chapters, as I spent awhile on the last actual chapter and I don't wanna stress myself out. Sorry! I'll try doing 2 chapters tomorrow!]

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