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Ok, first of all, WOW. Thank you all so much for 200 Reads already! I'll try working hard on this story for all of you. Second, you already know, a story for the special moment! Like always the short stories are cannon in this AU, this one takes place during the 2nd event (When they were able to get to the garden) enjoy!

Scott's Pov.

Guys! The backdoor of the house is open! It's so cool out here! The voice of Jimmy said in everyone's head.

Shush Jimmy! Wait till everyone is here. Another voice said, and I recognized it as Owen.

Fine, but hurry up everyone! Jimmy's voice spoke in everyone's head, it echoed in mine though. I wanted to go join them outside!

I started running from the attic downstairs with the stairs as fast as I could. When I was halfway down, I ended up tripping. I then hit my head on one of the steps and the wall. I ignored all the pain I was in thought, the garden was my first priority.

My head hurts so much. I thought to myself, while finally making it down the stairs and into the bathroom.

I ran out the bathroom through the hole that was nibbled next to the door. I wasn't paying attention where I was running though, and not noticing the Janitor nearby. I kept running, and saw a few humans notice me, most noticable the Son and Youngest Daughter. While the Janitor was chasing after me, they followed.

I only just realized the Janitor following me.  Oh great! Now 3 humans are following me!  I thought to myself once again.

I kept running, although my head started hurting even more now. Maybe the pain of it was finally coming for me aswell. I just ignored it again, maybe I should tell someone later though. I turned around again to see the Son and Youngest Daughter had stopped following, but the cats were now chasing me instead.

Just my luck I thought again, while going through a small tunneled through area where the cats and Janitor can't get me.

I ran over to the backdoor, seeing it was slowly becoming night. I started walking outside the door, I hadn't noticed the rats behind me though. When I finally got outside, I heard some yells from behind me.

"Scott wait!"

"Come back inside"


I only recognized the last voice from behind me as Owen, I then turned around to the door closing on me. I tried running back but with my tiredness, I was too late. I had just been locked outside the house with no known way back inside.

Owen's Pov.

"Scott! Scott can you hear us through the door?!" I called out to Scott, nearby, I heard Jimmy, Bek, and El calling out for Scott through the door aswell.

We didn't hear anything like a response though, it was silent. Then, hearing a thud from the other side of the door.

"Scott? What was that?!" Jimmy said through the door.

"Me, sorry guys for worrying you, I can barely hear you.." Scott said, we barely heard aswell, as it almost sounded like a muffled voice.

"Wait, what do you mean by you Scott?" Bek asked, questioning.

"Oh I, uh, fell down some stairs from the attic while trying to get here-"

"What?! Scott your most likely hurt and alone outside there!" Jimmy cut him off, sounding worried for him (Flower Husbands hints? Jk, but feel free to consider it like that if u want idc)

"It's fine, I'll just sleep under the steps." He said to us in response.

"Fine, but stay their! I'll be beside you the whole time through the door till morning to check on you! Owen will stay too!" Jimmy spoke to him.

"Wait I never-" I started, then getting interrupted by Scott through the door.

"Alright! Thanks you two." We heard Scott say through the door, and heard a few footsteps fading away from the door.

"Well then, we should go" El said, walking away as Bek followed along.

"Your lucky he's my best friend and I will" I said as soon as the the two left.

Jimmy smirked in response, as if he was proud of being able to convince Owen to stay aswell. We silently agreed to sleep in one of the cabits above the counters nearby. We then went inside them, they were pretty empty. Jimmy fell asleep quickly, I then fell asleep aswell.

We woke up, luckily before Scott did, and waited a few seconds till the door opened. As it did, I ran outside under the steps and seeing Scott still asleep. I grabbed him, as careful as I can (NOT SHIPPING THEM) and back inside the house. I then made it to the attic, luckily without any problem, and Jimmy still being with me, to Scott's house and so he could finally rest.

[And that's the end! Sorry if I don't post anything else for this story today, I'll try to upload 2 parts that are actually part of the story. Bye!
Word Count: 856
Total Word Count: 7,041]

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