Chapter 3: get in my car!

Start from the beginning

Whereas Ada and me, we wring of laughter makes with the imitation of Arthur presented by Finn Thomas decides to cut short the rejoicings.

- Well, that's enough! It's late Finn you open the betting office tomorrow morning, Ada you have an appointment with Carl at the doctor. Says Thomas.

Finn and Ada nodded, greeted me and left the pub.

- So, you give the order and everyone else does it? That's an interesting concept! I said ironically.

- That's exactly right! Come on, get in my car, I'll drive you home.

Fortunately for him, I'm not in the mood to protest. I shrug and go sit in his car.

Wednesday, January 18, 8:30 a.m., Birmingham, England.

I open my eyes, I'm lying in a bed, strangely enough, I don't remember going home. It's only after a few minutes of reflection and a brief observation of the room I was in that I realized I wasn't home. But, where the bloody hell am I?!

I leave the room and go down the stairs. Here I am not very advanced! I almost jump for joy when I see Finn leaning against the central island of the kitchen.

- Valentina? What are you doing here? he asks me as soon as he sees me.

- I have no idea. But at least you'll be able to answer one of my questions...Where the bloody hell am I?!

- Well, at Thomas's, probably. Finn says, lighting a cigarette.


- Jesus Christ!

I go back upstairs and put on my clothes from the night before, eager to go home. On my way out, I pass a toddler in the hallway.

- Good morning. he says to me from the top of his ninety centimeters.

- Hello, I'm Valentina and you?

- Charle. But dad calls me Charli!

- Oh yes, it's a nice name! And tell me, what is your dad's name? I ask, expecting it to be the child of a servant or something.

- Thomas.

Well, shit!

- Wow! That's great. I still say I'm confused about Thomas Shelby being a father.

- Who are you?

- A colleague of your daddy's and you can call me by my first name. Goodbye big guy! I say as I walk towards the stairs.

- Goodbye Valentina! Answered Charli while running in her room.

- Finn, do you know where I can buy a car? Preferably a Bentley. I said, looking for my purse.- Yeah. Finn said as he opened the door and motioned for me to follow him.

- So, did you sleep with Thomas last night? Finn asked on the way, looking amused by the situation.

- What?! Of course not.

Well, I hope not, that would be terribly embarrassing.25 minutes later, he stopped in front of a car dealership.

- Thanks a lot Finn.

- I owed you one after I humiliated you at darts!

- Hey! I demand a rematch!

Ten minutes later, I was driving my new car. It didn't take me long.

Wednesday, January 18, 7 pm, Birmingham, England.

I park in front of Ada's house. When I knocked on the door, it only took her ten seconds to open it.

- I am very happy that you came! Please come in. She said, taking me in her arms.

Her apartment is all that there is of more charming. I notice an abundance of antiques, she must be a collector. Polly and Thomas are the only people I know among the fifteen or so people at the table.

The champagne is flowing and the food is quite delectable, however, the discussions are of a mortal boredom! It takes only two minutes to understand that this dinner was only a pretext for a communist meeting. I noticed that Polly and Thomas were as bored as I was.Suddenly, Finn burst in.

- Sorry for the delay. Finn said as he sat down beside me.

Ada didn't pay much attention to him and just gave him a scolding look.

- Good evening. I said out of my thoughts.

- So what did I miss? he asked.

- A debate on lowering salaries! I whispered.

- Exciting! Finn replied wryly.

The evening dragged on until one o'clock in the morning and let me tell you, I can't take it anymore! It's a good thing Finn was there or I would have died of boredom.I thanked Ada warmly and left the apartment followed by Thomas. Polly and Finn escaped half an hour ago.

- Don't tell me you parked your Bentley in the street! Thomas said.

- Um, yes, I did.

- By now, you must be out of gas!

For a moment, I didn't understand the connection at all until I realized that I was indeed out of gas.

- Get in, I'll drop you off. Thomas said to me from his car.

I'm getting tired of him dropping me off! But well, what other choice do I have?

To be continued...

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